
DMAasia Brand Trail

Superpowers? We have an idea. It is not a power ring, nor does it shoot laser from its eyes. We call it x-ray vision. It lets you see if your customers are happy or disappointed, if they are loyal to your brand or if they would like to move on with another option. This superpower can tell you if they are aware of your current offers and promotions or if they are forgettable in their minds. The superpowers of CX allow every brand to see through the eyes of their customers." The DMAasia Brand Trail is a new concept introduced to the marketing community. A unique representation of insights from a variety of industries, ranging from eCommerce and financial services to food and property. The DMAasia Brand Trail for CX Superpowers was held in Mumbai & Gurugram on 10th Nov and 17th Nov. It was an interactive session which has garnered industry-wide participation from over 40 CxOs in attendance. We started with a simple objective: collectively finding what it will take to win in 2023 and how brands can grow at scale. The perspectives mentioned here have been captured at the Cx Superpowers event by our team at DMAasia. It's a wealth of techniques that you can deploy for your brand. What is your brand's favourite superpower? Let us know and we would love to get you featured here at the DMAasia Brand Trail.

Winning Case Studies
Trend Spotting
Future Gazing