Khul ke soo le with Naselin

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Case Study


"Naselin Khul Ke So Le" revolutionized mobile marketing in the healthcare sector, outshining competition and etching a memorable brand presence. Leveraging temperature dynamics, a gamified experience, and the iconic 'Prajapati,' Naselin not only engaged users but also surpassed engagement targets, achieving a total of 10,000 seconds of creative interaction.


The primary goal was to establish Naselin as a memorable brand, especially during the winter season. Facing direct competition from Otrivin, our objective was twofold - compete effectively and create a lasting impact on our target audience, ensuring our brand remained top of mind.


In a competitive landscape dominated by a major player, Naselin aimed to carve a distinctive niche. Recognizing the potential of winter as a key season for nasal care, our challenge was not only to compete with the industry giant but also to stand out with dynamic communication that resonated with our target audience.


We undertook comprehensive market research and surveys to understand shifting consumer behavior from home remedies to over-the-counter products. Armed with this insight, we identified the right platforms and developed a weather API to dynamically showcase changing temperatures. Leveraging our brand mascot 'Prajapati,' we gamified the experience for engaging and memorable communication.


The mobile-first approach proved instrumental in amplifying our creative impact. By aligning our creative with the insights derived from Comscore, we strategically targeted the right audience on top websites, ensuring an optimal display experience. The gamified interaction with 'Prajapati' contributed to heightened engagement and enhanced brand recall.



The campaign achieved remarkable results, reaching nearly 2 million users with a total of 6.2 million impressions. User engagement surpassed expectations, with over 60,000 interactions, exceeding the planned engagement by approximately 10%. Users spent an average of 9 seconds engaging with the creative, accumulating a total of 10,000 seconds of creative engagement.


Cipla Health Ltd., Madison Media, DISPLAY/SEARCH, 2023, ECHO