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Case Study


#GiveGulabariABio Got An Epic Bio For Our Instagram? Share It With Us!


We go to our friends for the smallest of our needs; there are no inhibitions or judgments involved when it comes to asking for help. Whenever we run out of captions or bios for our pictures or social media handles, we turn to our friends "Bro, please help me with my Instagram bio, no?"- is a common request we all have received/made to our friends Similarly, Gulabari being a friend to the Gen-Z asked them to write its bio


Create a campaign for Friendship Day that the TG- the ‘Gen Z' can easily relate with.


Invite entries from the audience to give Gulabari a Bio and the best entry would be Gulabari's bio and win vouchers worth 10K as well.


We harped on the fact that gen-z is the most active generation on digital, who are present on all social media platforms and native use of technology. They use social media to curate their own personal brand/identity.


We roped in macro and nano influencers for amplification along with branded content (DVC) and pre-buzz for the contest.


We got 100+ organic entries and garnered 8.9M reach on the DVC


DABUR India, Oct, 2022