Call Reason

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Case Study


The brand Truecaller, popular for its call verification feature, took it to another level by launching a brand-new feature - Call Reason. It gives a quick heads-up on why someone is calling. We illustrated this by making a film in which the outcome of the story depends on if the protagonist takes the call to not.


The idea was to increase the awareness of the feature and push the videos out to the Truecaller's current audience via push notifications as well as digital amplification to increase conversations about the campaign. Overall, the campaign generated almost 45 million impressions across all platforms on a minuscule budget and with almost 12 million impressions and more than 90,000+ hours of watch time. The campaign and the videos resonated in a big way with the Truecaller audience base and generated unanimous acclaim and trended as high at #5 on Youtube for a day not to mention countless shares and comments praising the quality of the content put out.


1) One of the key strategies was to create intrigue about the films and the campaign through Bollywood style posters on social media platforms and trailers 48 hours before the main video dropped 2) We also used micro-video content on platforms like InMobi and Inshorts to redirect traffic to the Youtube videos to bring out the interactive element to the campaign.


We created a week-long campaign from 30th November to 10th December 2020. We kicked it off with the trailers and posters on social media, followed by the films. No sooner did the films drop, they received a huge response from the audience and the Call Reason feature became a super-duper hit!




We decided to make two edge-of-the-seat, Bollywood-Esque thrillers. Action-packed and entertaining, each film had two poles apart endings. One end where one would get the rags, and the other where one would win the riches. Based on whether the protagonist accepts or rejects a call. The two films seamlessly integrated the Call Reason feature. Announcing the feature in a truly filmy style.


Overall, the campaign generated almost 45 million impressions across all platforms on a minuscule budget and with almost 12 million impressions and more than 90,000+ hours of watch time. The campaign and the videos resonated in a big way with the Truecaller audience base and generated unanimous acclaim and trended as high at #5 on Youtube for a day not to mention countless shares and comments praising the quality of the content put out. Truecaller premium subscription doubled within a month of the campaign thus highlighting the impact of the campaign on the product front. The brand was able to generate a 1.25% brand lift rate across Facebook as a result of the campaign and was published on top magazines like Ads of the World and Afaqs as a result of the vitality it generated.


Truecaller, Oct, 2022