Conversational AI solution- Chat bot

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Case Study


Conversational AI Chat bot helped us to provide improved customer service and being available for our customers at their preferred time, This helped us generate leads and even closures, Which eventually improved our ROI as we were able to generate closures organically and at the same time improved our CSAT score. This Implementation proved to be win for us and we look forward to improve the experience and performance further.


Our major challenge was to offer 24/7 customer service. If customers tried to reach the Presales team for answers to their queries or submitted leads during the night, our Presale team's connectivity faced significant challenges. because of delay in service, our not contactable lead quantum was high. also sharing project brochures & project details process was manual & time consuming. we wanted to share required information on customers preferred time and seamlessly.


Our aim to implement Chat Bot was to : To Provide fast, 24/7 customer service • Offer more personalized experiences • Offer convenient self-service options • Increase lead generation in organic manner Improve customer experience.


Our main goal was to provide customers personalized experience and improve organic lead generation, eventually improving ROI.


Our company embarked on a transformative journey to enhance user experience. Faced with the challenge of providing seamless support around the clock, we decided to embrace innovation by integrating a chatbot into our website. The journey began with identify key pain points and customer queries that could be addressed efficiently by a chatbot. The goal was not just to automate responses but to elevate the overall customer interaction. The chatbot, now a virtual assistant on our website, greeted visitors 24/7, guiding them through product information, troubleshooting common issues, and even assisting in the lead generation process. Even the chatbot remembers the person, so you can leave the chat and come back to the chat again from where you started. It was comfortable for the customers, and they could chat at their own convenience. The Presales team saw a significant reduction in response times, allowing them to focus on more complex queries.


Data or the insights was that - as the pre-sales team did not operate post 7pm which led us to challenges like: 1. We could not address queries of customer post 7pm & before 10am. 2. We were not able to cater to International Leads (due to different time zone) efficiently. We required a smart convenient replacement to this problem. The solution which will be Customer friendly, convenient, provide information transparently at the same time help us generate leads. Conversational AI Chat bot was the best solution which we could find and it did give us result.


• Within the 6 months we have generated 3,165 leads & 1,206 qualified leads through chat bot. our lead to qualified lead ratio is 38%, which is 18% Higher than avg industry qualification ratio. • We got 67 site visits. Qualified lead to site visit ratio is 56%, which is 28% Higher than avg industry site visit ratio. • We got 12 bookings & contributed 11 Cr in business which is 10% of the total Direct Vertical


Tata Housing Development Company Limited, Kenyt Technologies Private Limited, Chatbots & Instant Messaging, 2023, Sparkies, Bronze