SonyLIV & Aghreni Technologies Pvt. Ltd

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Case Study


SonyLIV's Winning Email Marketing Strategy: Optimized Targeting, Personalized Content, and Creative Design


1) City-Based Targeting: SonyLIV struggled to effectively target their email campaigns to specific cities. This was due to a lack of data on subscriber locations, hindering their ability to segment email lists. Targeting limitations prevented SonyLIV from tailoring content to local preferences, reducing campaign effectiveness. 2)Ensuring Email Deliverability: Past email campaigns suffered from low deliverability rates, with emails failing to reach the intended subscribers' inboxes. Inactive subscribers on the mailing list contributed to the decline in deliverability, impacting campaign reach. The absence of robust email authentication methods like SPF and DKIM increased the chances of emails being classified as spam, further hindering deliverability. 3)Ensuring Quality and Creativity: Past campaigns lacked engaging and creative content, failing to capture subscriber attention and drive action. The visual design of emails fell short of expectations, lacking the appeal to entice viewers and encourage engagement.


To address these challenges, SonyLIV could implement the following objectives: 1) Increase city-based targeting by collecting data on the location of its email subscribers and using this data to segment its email lists. 2) Improve email deliverability by maintaining a healthy email list and removing inactive subscribers. SonyLIV used email authentication methods such as SPF and DKIM to help ensure that its emails are not marked as spam. 3) Enhanced content quality and creativity by assistance of agency who made engaging email content and design visually appealing emails. SonyLIV with help of agency used A/B testing to test different variations of email campaigns and see what resonates best with subscribers.


SonyLIV's email strategy, aided by the agency, revolves around personalized targeting, content, and design. They segment audiences based on data and personalize content, leveraging visuals and A/B testing. The agency's support in refining analytics and real-time monitoring ensures sustained engagement, enhancing SonyLIV's connection with a diverse audience for effective conversions.


Email deliverability: 98% Spam and bounce rate (SBR): 2% Open rate: 25% Click-through rate (CTR):5% Conversion rate (CVR): 1% Unsubscribe rate: 0.5%


The agency joined forces with SonyLIV, introducing a groundbreaking solution for their email strategy. They delved into subscriber data, fine-tuning audience segments for personalized content based on interests and location. By adding personal greetings and tailored recommendations, the emails felt more intimate. Visual enhancements with diverse elements like images and videos, alongside A/B testing, made the content engaging. The agency's continuous monitoring and optimization kept the strategy effective, ensuring SonyLIV's emails connected well, driving conversions and marketing success.


SonyLIV's email metrics paint a picture of remarkable success and efficient engagement. Their email deliverability rate stands impressively high at 98%, signifying that the vast majority of their emails reach their intended recipients' inboxes, bypassing spam filters and ensuring optimal visibility. The low Spam and Bounce Rate (SBR) at just 2% further solidifies their effective email strategy. This minimal rate indicates a well-maintained list, with very few emails being marked as spam or undeliverable. SonyLiv's meticulous list hygiene likely contributes to this commendable metric, ensuring a clean and engaged subscriber base. While their Open Rate of 25% showcases a strong initial engagement level, it's the Click-Through Rate (CTR) of 5% that truly underscores the compelling nature of their content. This metric signifies that a significant portion of recipients not only open the emails but are also sufficiently engaged to click on embedded links, indicating a genuine interest in the content offered by SonyLIV. Finally, SonyLIV's Unsubscribe Rate of 0.5% indicates a minimal loss of subscribers. This low rate suggests that their email content remains relevant and engaging, compelling the vast majority of subscribers to stay connected.


SonyLiv, Aghreni Technologies, Email Marketing, 2023, Sparkies