BMGF - Protecting Family Planning from the Family

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Case Study


Headline- BUILDING THE IMPORTANCE OF THE 1ST YEAR OF MARRIAGE. When we delved deeper into their lives, what we learnt was heartening. They themselves desired to delay their first pregnancy. So, we helped newlyweds buy time and built the 1st year as the foundation of a marriage. We re-oriented the government's family planning communication around this approach and decided to address their ecosystem.


34 BABIES ARE BORN EVERY MINUTE IN INDIA. AND HALF OF THESE ARE YOUNG UNPREPARED PARENTS. 1 in every 5 women between 15-17 years is married. So, every 10th teenage girl in India today is already a mother or pregnant. The classical approach advocated for smaller family sizes. Past communication has been centered on educating on contraceptive choices, spacing between 2 children, pregnancies just after childbirth, male & female sterilization – messages that were largely irrelevant. So, we shifted the focus from ‘limiting family size' to ‘delaying parenthood'. And instead of talking to couples with 2 or more children we shifted focus to newlyweds in the 15-25-year age bracket wherein 47% of India's total fertility was clustered. Our deeper analysis defined the key challenges: DAMNING SOCIAL PRESSURE ON NEWLY WEDS PUSHED INTO PARENTHOOD AGAINST THEIR DESIRE PAST COMMUNICATION DID NOT SPEAK TO YOUTH


This campaign was a first targeted outreach by the family planning programme to newly married couples in the 15-25-year age bracket. Specifically, the campaign sought to – Objective 1: Establishing contact with the shielded newlyweds Objective 2: Giving the newlyweds the right guidance for family planning Objective 3: Getting them to talk to each other Also, to REDUCE SOCIAL PRESSURE FACED BY NEWLYWEDS AND BUILDING THE IMPORTANCE OF THE 1ST YEAR OF MARRIAGE.


Couples themselves desired to delay their first pregnancy. They didn't need convincing. They needed help. Our investigation gave us a keener understanding of their predicament. Their vulnerability to social pressure increased because – ● Less than 20% newlyweds felt they could discuss contraception and pregnancy with their spouse. ● Elders shielded newlyweds from healthcare workers for fear that they might brainwash their new ‘beta-bahu'. Even before husband-wife could get to know each other, they leapfrogged into parenthood courtesy social pressure. When we delved deeper into their lives, what we learnt was heartening. They themselves desired to delay their first pregnancy. In fact, they wanted to wait till completion of 2 years of marriage at least. The intent was there. They didn't need convincing. They needed help. We just needed to buy them time to be able to establish a rapport with each other. This itself would help them immensely as they would then tackle social pressure as a couple & not be inflicted by it individually. THE COMMUNICATION PIVOT – We helped newlyweds buy time and built the 1st year as the foundation of a marriage. We re-oriented the government's family planning communication around this approach. And made the key STRATEGIC SHIFTS in message & manner i.e. from educating the couple to addressing their ecosystem and REDUCE SOCIAL PRESSURE FACED BY NEWLYWEDS AND BUILDING THE IMPORTANCE OF THE 1ST YEAR OF MARRIAGE.


Source: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation data


• We attacked the issue from both ends – Reducing Social Pressure & Equipping Newlyweds. • We created a 360-degree campaign, assigning a dedicated task to each media. • We used TELEVISION to address the largest barrier ‘societal pressure' that pushed newlyweds into parenthood unplanned. Our 1st communication reduced pressure from the traditional grandparents who were eager to see their grandchildren at the earliest. • Our 2nd communication reduced pressure from friends who are often provocative to the man to prove fertility. • We introduced a new HELPLINE NUMBER – 1800-116-555 where couples could call and enquire about contraceptives purchase, usage and health effects and emergency solutions. • Furthermore, we introduced a new positive influencer in their ecosystem who got the shy newlyweds to talk to each other through a unique INTERACTIVE RADIO PROGRAM - Hum DO. Used All India Radio to circumvent social shielding to reach out to newlyweds directly to guide, advise & help them build their new relationship. • The show aired in All India Radio – India's national radio broadcast, every Sunday when the couples spent together at home. There were 52 unique episodes discussing 120 key issues - addressing unique problems, quires, dilemmas and even a light friendly conversation. • The episodes were also made available to the DIGITAL MICROSITE of Ministry of Health and Family Planning so that the netizen population could have access to the content on phone or screen. • We created channels for reaching family planning information & services to them which would help them buy time in their first year of marriage. This was executed via AWARENESS CAMP, OUTREACH PROGRAM AND REGULAR HEALTH CHECKUPS. • We also designed their FAMILY PLANNING KIT – Nayi Pehel that was distributed by the ASHA didi who was one of the most credible sources


OBJECTIVE 1: Establishing contact with the shielded newlyweds Result: There was a whopping 317% increase in the number of calls to All India Radio Helpline Number. Why was this result significant? We managed to penetrate the societal barriers around these newlywed couples and open a channel of communication with them. OBJECTIVE 2: Giving them the right guidance for family planning. Result: We registered a 330% increase in the enquiries about Family Planning Methods. Why was this result significant? We got these young couples talking about the right issue to the right people. Furthermore, our helpline received 50% more calls about Family Planning Methods than the Government promoted Jan Samkhya Stirtha Kosh (Population Count Central) Helpline which has been around since the year 2008. Our unique approach to get the RJ Couple to initiate conversations resonated better with our audience. OBJECTIVE 3: Getting them to talk to each other. Result: A post campaign research by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation revealed that after listening to the radio show, 87% couples now discuss Family Planning with each other 89% wives-initiated family planning discussion with their husband 82% couples sought information on family planning before marriage 72% couples sought information on family planning just after their marriage. Why was this result significant? More and more couples will be able to take informed and reasoned decisions about Family Planning early in their lives.


The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Oct, 2022