Miracle Mom - Rethinking Motherhood through the Language of Data

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Case Study


Miracle Mom: Magic of Motherhood Backed by Science


Digital is growing by the day in India and the number of Moms adopting Digital in their daily lives is also increasing. (30 Mn) The parenting space already had websites like Baby Center that spoke to the Indian Mom. While Reckitt brands targeted the Indian Mom on Digital, there was a lack of a deeper, purposeful and beyond-the-product connect with her. Building a Moms Program could help Reckitt brands build a sense of belonging and community connect with Moms. This would also help Reckitt build first-party data and keep them equipped for a Cookie less Digital future.


The campaign objectives for the first 4 months were • Awareness of the Program- Build Visibility for the Miracle Mom Program among the Indian Moms on Digital (Reach of 7.5 M ) • Consideration - Drive Moms to the Miracle Mom website and engage them with life-stage specific advice built on a robust content ecosystem (1.5 M Websites sessions & 3 M Pageviews ) • Conversions - Get Moms to enroll for the Program and establish Miracle Mom as the Parenting Intelligence Platform that partners Mom in her data-driven motherhood journey (200K Pregnant women and Moms) While these were the immediate objectives of the campaign, we strived to build a sense of belonging & community connect among members to improve Program Engagement. Reckitt also wanted to use Miracle Mom as a source of first party data that could be leveraged by its portfolio of brands.


Parenting brands always viewed the new mom in her motherhood journey through the prism of love, concern, responsibility, sacrifice and other emotional overtones. As a result, their communication was loaded with emotional stereotyping of the Mom reflected both in their advertising and targeting of Moms in their marketing programs. Modern motherhood is however more complex and evolved. Brands however didn't seem to understand this journey beyond the hue of emotions. This limited their ability to sharply target her or meaningfully partner her across her journey The Insight The Indian Mom played a larger role in her motherhood journey while parenting brands spoke to her using Emotional stereotypes. As a brand, it was an opportunity for Reckitt to build a data driven program for Moms that aided her in her Motherhood journey. Our Strategic Shift MOTHERHOOD THROUGH THE CONVENTIONAL FILTER OF EMOTIONS TO MOTHERHOOD THROUGH THE EYES OF DATA MOTHERHOOD AS A CONTINUUM OF EMOTIONS TO MOTHERHOOD AS A SERIES OF 250 DATA POWERED MOMENTS PHASE WISE CONTENT BUILD ACROSS THE MOTHERHOOD JOURNEY TO CONTENT ON MORE THAN 250 MOMENTS ACROSS THE MOTHERHOOD JOURNEY TEMPORARY WEBSITE COOKIES TO REGISTERED CUSTOMERS AS FIRST PARTY DATA


Over 560 million internet users. 30% out of this are female users. and 70% of mothers use smart phone to check for data and information about their babies


We looked at the topics that mothers were searching for and conversations they were having on social media. We created more than 500+ medically referenced articles based on 250+ daily moments of interaction in the life stage of Pregnant women and Moms. The content was written and validated by Health Experts and supported by medical references. Miracle Mom is now a source of first-party data of Moms for Reckitt which helps brands like Dettol and Enfagrow optimize their media efficiencies while targeting Moms. The launch video announced Miracle Mom as the Parenting Intelligence for the new-age Indian Mom.


Awareness of the program - Build Visibility for Miracle Mom among the Indian Moms on Digital – 10 Mn+ Reach & 13 Mn+ Video Views Program Engagement Among The Audience - Lead Moms to the Miracle Mom website engaging them with life-stage specific advice – 275k Website Visits, 2.1 M Website Sessions, 4.1M Website Pageviews (Website with more than 500 content pieces) Enrolment of Members - Drive Enrolment into the Program – 420 k Enrolment of New and expecting Moms Building First Party Data - Beyond these numbers, Miracle Mom has helped create a ready base for New Product Development, a platform to optimize media efficiencies and first-party data for Reckitt brands.


Reckitt Benckiser India, Oct, 2022