Look Good, Do Good - Garment Exchange Programme

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Case Study


Headline – Leveraging power of ONLINE to DRIVE OFFLINE growth during the pandemic. Summary – While all Apparel brands used the HOOK of END OF SEASON sales to liquidate their stocks and drive sales in the lean months of Jun-Aug, Raymond used a unique connect of "Look Good, Do Good" which drives 2 clear objectives; Drive footfall to the stores & make people socially responsible of donating their clothes to a reputed NGO.


While all Apparel brands used the HOOK of END OF SEASON sales to liquidate their stocks and drive sales in the lean months of Jun-Aug, Raymond uses a unique connect of "Look Good, Do Good" which drives 2 clear objectives – 1. Drive footfall and therefore sales in their 1000+ stores 2. Make people socially responsible of donating their clothes to a reputed NGO that strives in driving no Human left unClothed


1. The objective was to drive 1.5 Lac footfalls to Raymond Stores 2. Generate business of 20 Crores 3. Generate 3 Lac Garment Exchanges


The Garment Exchange Programme is done offline every year. However, we harped upon the KPMG report which showed that there is a massive rise in time spent on Digital post covid. This number was 85% higher on Video, 72% higher on Google Search, 59% higher on Social, 47% higher on Amazon Shopping. Thus, this year, we decided to do a digital-heavy campaign along with offline media, as a support medium – making it a truly integrated Media Strategy for the Brand. To drive Awareness: A balanced mix of Reach and Frequency combined with communication to cater to both current as well as new users using comprehensive remarketing, lookalike, and custom audience strategy were deployed on Digital. Given that the exchange was largely off-line i.e going to the store for drop-off, given the imposed lock-down in most parts of the country due to COVID, we also enabled a pickup service from home for people who wished to participate in the program. Print, Radio, & TV were used to complement the campaign. While TV helped drive incremental reach to the digital base across markets, large format print ads gave the finer details of the program, & RJs of radio stations urged people to take action by participating themselves and talking about the program for over 7 days helping boost the walk-ins and participation.


The Garment Exchange Programme is done offline every year. However, we harped upon the KPMG report which showed that there is a massive rise in time spent on Digital post covid. This number was 85% higher on Video, 72% higher on Google Search, 59% higher on Social, 47% higher on Amazon Shopping. Thus, this year, we decided to do a digital-heavy campaign along with offline media, as a support medium making it a truly integrated Media Strategy for the Brand. In awareness phase, basis insights on Global Web Index & BARC, we decided to take on impactful properties like Inshorts, Hotstar, SonyLIV - Ind vs Sri Lanka Live Match & Director Mix (Vogon) to give maximum visibility. Morover, through print media we reached out to mass audience through regional dailies in respective markets. On TV, we targeted core sports audience. In consideration phase, basis music data from Nielsen, we leveraged all the inventory available on Spotify to target our audiences who are using different devices (Mobile, Tab, Desktop etc). Moreover, to amplify our awareness phase, did a Radio campaign wherein the RJ's encouraged the users to participate in this nobel cause. And to top it all off, we did a PR on Social Samosa with an article along with pushing few social posts on their handles. In sustenance phase, basis data from Statista, GA, we targeted niche audiences on Facebook & Instagram, Google Discovery, Google Display & leveraged all the keywords generated from the campaign to be present on Google Search. We used in-house tool built called ‘tSync' combats the problem to help leverage the offline online attribution. Through the tool, search campaigns (Online) can be programmed to sync with the offline (print/TV/radio) schedule which automates the bidding process to prevent leakages within Google Search.


In order to generate high Reach, Frequency and Impact, we used a short film of 30 secs, 20 sec and 10 secs across OTTs like Hotstar and SonyLiv (Ind vs Sri Lanka Live Match) & on TV. Along with Inshorts with a hero image to get maximum visibility within 48 hours - premium story inventory. Since we had different cohorts of our audience, we harped on going ahead with Director Mix campaign, which enabled us to make a tailored made videos with different communication for our different types of audience. Similarly, via Amazon DSP, we targeted different users who had certain affinity, with specific creatives. Through Social Samosa we pushed our hero image even further to the industry followers. Via Social and Google Platforms we enabled our different types of creatives (Static/Videos/Gifs/Carousel) and optimized on best performing creatives. Moreover, the hero Image was used in our Print ad as well.


1. In Total, 1.7 Lac footfalls was generated to Raymond Stores 2. Generated business of 60 Crores 3. Generated 6.5 Lac Garment Exchanges This campaign was the 5th year in running. We spent 1/4th of the spends as compared to previous campaigns and were able to achieve more than planned under COVID circumstances.


Raymond Ltd, Oct, 2022