Digital, hyper-personalized and purposeful

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Are you ready to step up your marketing game in the age of AI? According to Shweta Papriwal, conversational marketing is the key to success. By leveraging the power of AI and machine learning, you can engage your audience in meaningful conversations that build trust, establish brand loyalty, and drive revenue. From live chat to voice assistants and social media, the options are endless. But the key is to create personalized, relevant content that speaks directly to your customers' needs and interests. Whether you're a financial services provider or a small business owner, the principles of conversational marketing apply to everyone. So why wait? It's time to join the conversation and start building the future of marketing today!

The current marketing trends are hyper focused on individuals as well as society at large

Enterprises globally and across the board, including the financial services sector, are constantly displaying grit and determination in not only surviving but also striving amid numerous challenges. Geopolitical conflicts, economic uncertainty, superfast technological development, and changing customer behaviour notwithstanding, it is imperative for businesses to beef up their marketing armoury and constantly innovate strategies to stay ahead of the curve.

Get personal!

As big data and analytics provide vital insights into consumer behaviour and spending patterns, focusing on delivering hyper-personalized services is a great way to boost revenues. Communicating is connecting, and nothing fosters a personal connection as effectively as language. Marketers have understood the virtue of relatable language and are imbibing native tongue along with simple and easily comprehensible lingo to create maximum impact.

Furthermore, the consumer is king, and befitting this stature, they hanker individualized services. Targeted messaging using AI and machine learning can segregate them as per demographics and preferences to deliver specific content and offers. So, it helps marketing efforts to focus on social media and other online platforms to deliver this. The flip side of the coin has customer experience. Amid incredibly fierce competition, positive and powerful experiences can be the differentiators to hold institutions in good stead. Chatbots and virtual assistants, for instance, can provide quick and easy solutions. While doing so, security cannot be compromised; thus, data protection and online safety will be of prime focus even in marketing.

Content marketing is crucial

It?s already apparent that digitalization is the name of the game in every aspect ? from operations to marketing and advertising. But even with digital, social media or influencer marketing taking the spotlight, offline marketing is not about to be shoved into the shadows. Traditional marketing has endured in the financial sector and will coexist harmoniously with digital marketing, making companies rely on omnichannel marketing. As email and direct mail marketing will reach seasoned customers, digital will impact the new generation of clients. Another crucial tool will be content marketing to educate and engage potential clients. Video is having its moment as the most effective, engaging and entertaining way to deliver information.

Connect through Conversations

Finally, nothing can be as fruitful as a conversation. Relying on AI for maximum output is all well and good but nothing can beat a two-way dialogue to get the right solution. As consumers call the shots, relegating their tasks to robotic response is like alienating them.

Thus, a dialogue-driven approach using live chat, voice assistant, social media, and other real-time tools of conversational marketing makes the experience more engaging, fulfilling and instils trust in one?s product or brand.

If a company keeps a tight grip on all these marketing tools, it will enhance its overall resilience and robustness. After all, at the heart of every business is servicing the customers, and marketing is a means to that.


Shweta Papriwal Shweta Papriwal

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