Spinny Increased the Non-Brand Clicks for Blog By 1081% Via SEO

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Case Study


Spinny's SEO journey combined user-friendly methods, inviting CTAs, and creative content tactics. By blending data insights with imaginative approaches, the campaign achieved remarkable results, boosting brand visibility and engagement.


In an increasingly digital landscape, visibility on Google Search is paramount for any brand's success. Spinny, a flourishing name in the automotive industry, faced a significant challenge in this regard. Despite offering high-quality, insightful content through its blog, Spinny was not gaining the desired visibility in Google's Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). Recognizing the critical nature of this challenge, we identified an opportunity to dramatically improve Spinny's search presence through targeted SEO strategies. Our objective was not merely to increase traffic but to attract a highly relevant audience that would engage with our content and, ultimately, convert. Additionally, we focused on advanced on-page optimization techniques, including semantic keyword targeting and schema markup, to provide clearer context to search engines.


While Spinny had carved a niche for itself in the automotive industry, its blog was yet to achieve the desired visibility in the vast digital landscape. Recognizing the importance of a robust online presence, Spinny embarked on an SEO journey for its blog with the following measurable objectives of our engagement: -Increase non-brand clicks by 500% -Increase non-brand impressions by 500% -Increase the number of keywords in the top 3 positions -Improve the visibility of Blogs -Create a comprehensive knowledge hub


Strategy: Recognizing the gap in informational content, our overarching goal was to transform Spinny's blog into a go-to knowledge hub for users seeking any information related to automobile. The strategy was rooted in identifying key content gap, re-optimization of content, generate content as per EAT guidelines, improving technical health score, and enhance user experince. Navigating the Content Gap: Researching and proposing new content with SEO-friendly structures and appropriate keywords emerged as a key strategy. We provided content writers with a comprehensive structure, including detailed heading breakdowns, to ensure the quality and relevance of the content. Revamping the Blog Vault: It's no secret that search engines favor fresh content. While filling gaps with new content was a key strategy, re-optimizing existing content proved transformative. Leveraging established page authority, content revamp led to a substantial traffic increase. Technical stability: Identifying the content gap and revamping existing content wasn't the sole approach to achieving our target. A thorough technical analysis yielded impactful insights, enabling significant platform enhancements. From code cleanup to eliminating unused plugins, multiple tech-related changes were implemented, ensuring enhanced technical stability. Layout and UI/UX: A user-friendly layout is of utmost importance for blogs. With the assistance of a detailed competition analysis and UI/UX team, we have successfully implemented several layout changes that enhance the user-friendliness and accessibility of the blog section. Adherence to E-A-T Guidelines: All content was meticulously crafted to adhere to Google's E-A-T guidelines. This involved sourcing information from reputable experts and organizations, thereby enhancing our blog's expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness.


In the quest to transform Spinny's blog into an authoritative knowledge hub for the automotive-related infomation, we realized that mere technical optimization wouldn't suffice. Our strategy was a symphony of analytical rigor and creative ingenuity, designed to not just attract but deeply engage our audience. Competitor Analysis: We started by analyzing the content landscape of Spinny's competitors. This exercise was not merely to identify gaps but also to understand the emotional chords they struck with their audience. Our aim was to go beyond that, offering something uniquely "Spinny"—something that would touch hearts while informing minds. Content Gap Analysis: A meticulous content gap analysis helped us identify the opportunities that were being overlooked. We didn't just want to fill gaps; we aimed to create content landmarks that would become go-to resources for anyone seeking automotive knowledge. Identified Search Universe: By mapping out the search universe related to the automotive industry, we were able to pinpoint the exact queries, emotions, and needs that our content should address. This was the science in our art, the framework upon which our creative content would be built.


Focus on the Reader's Experience: We prioritized the reader's journey by blending data analytics with psychological insights. This resulted in content that wasn't merely informative but also relatable and enjoyable. It featured interactive elements and visually rich media, enhancing user engagement. Include an Enticing CTA: Our Call-to-Action (CTA) phrases were crafted to resonate emotionally with the reader. Using action-oriented language like "Empower Your Car Knowledge," we strategically placed CTAs at moments of peak engagement, turning emotional connection into meaningful action. Innovative Techniques: We employed storytelling techniques, interactive elements, and visually rich media to make the content more engaging. The aim was to create an immersive experience that would leave a lasting impression.


With the overall SEO optimization efforts Infidigit not only help Spinny achieve the business goals by out performing the major competition but also helped to improve their brand visibility organically. The counseled hints led to a massive increase inside the following key metrics: Non Brand Clicks: 1081% Non Brand Impressions: 576% Non Brand Ranking in Top 3: 1006% Users: 872% Sessions: 883% New Users: 847%


Spinny, Infidigit, SEO Optimization, 2023, Sparkies, Bronze