How TATA Capital Conquered the Play Store Within A Quarter

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Case Study


"Maximizing App Success With ASO: A 55% Increase in Organic Visits and a 36% Boost in Oragnic Installs Propel Success" - Infidigit achieved remarkable success for Tata Capital with a 55% surge in organic visits and a substantial 36% increase in organic installs, showcasing our prowess in maximizing app success through effective optimization strategies.


The challenge arose from the limited app visibility within the app store, poor user engagement, and technical shortcomings of the app. Limited Organic Downloads: Limited organic downloads hindered TATA Capital app's growth, raising acquisition costs and eroding trust. This challenge affected visibility, trust, retention, and competitiveness in the crowded app marketplace. Insufficient User Engagement: Insufficient user engagement was a critical challenge for the TATA Capital app, directly impacting retention and limiting revenue opportunities. It also jeopardized the app's competitiveness in the financial sector and hinders data-driven personalization. High Crash Rate & ANR: Technical challenges like high crash rates and ANRs cause customer dissatisfaction and undermine trust in the TATA Capital app, harming its reputation and credibility. It can disrupt critical user actions, potentially leading to revenue loss and support challenges.


The campaign objectives were designed for tangible and quantifiable outcomes for the app's overall performance. Enhance Visibility & Discovery: The campaign aimed to increase the app's visibility on Play Store, making it easier for users to discover the app when searching for financial services, ultimately driving more organic traffic. Boost App Downloads: The primary objective was to increase app downloads by optimizing app store elements, creating compelling visuals, and enhancing the app's appeal to potential users, thereby accelerating user acquisition. Improve Conversion Rate: The focus was on optimizing the user journey within the app, enhancing the likelihood of users taking desired actions, such as applying for a loan, resulting in higher conversion rate and better app performance. These objectives aimed to drive targeted traffic, improving the app's functionality.


In formulating our strategy, we made key decisions with a focus on improving visibility, enhancing user engagement, and boosting the conversion rate of our app. Our targeting was precise, tailored to reach our ideal users effectively. 1. Precise Targeting for Ideal Users: We tailored our targeting to effectively reach our ideal user demographics, ensuring a more efficient reach. 2. Alignment with User Behavior: Channel selection aligned with our audience's preferences and behavior, resonating with their expectations. 3. Data-Driven Engagement Tactics: Our engagement tactics were rooted in data insights, prioritizing user reviews and analytical data for strategic decisions. 4. Rationale- Attracting and Retaining Valuable Users: The choices were driven by the goal to attract and retain valuable users, not just increasing visibility but also delivering a quality user experience. 5. Holistic Approach for Lasting Success: Our inspiration came from recognizing that a holistic approach, considering the audience and competition, was vital for long-term success.


Data played a pivotal role in inspiring our ASO strategy. We leveraged app store analytics to identify high-performing keywords, monitor user behavior, and track competitors' strategies. 1. Leveraging App Store Analytics: We utilized app store analytics to identify high-performing keywords, understand user behavior, and study our competitors' strategies, gaining critical insights into user search behavior and the competitive landscape. 2. User Feedback and Reviews Analysis: We delved into user reviews and feedback, uncovering pain points, preferences, and areas for improvement. This qualitative data was pivotal in refining our user experience and addressing user needs more effectively. 3. Data-Driven Unique Strategy: The combination of quantitative insights from app store analytics and qualitative insights from user feedback shaped our unique strategy. We strategically identified low-competition, high-impact keywords for improved visibility and used user feedback to enhance app features and inform our creative approach to user engagement. Data enabled us to craft compelling metadata and app visuals, and target the right audience. By leveraging insights derived from data, we tailored a strategy that aligned with user expectations and competitive landscape, ultimately driving a boost in organic visits and installs of the app.


Our campaign's foundation was in the creative process, harmoniously uniting data-driven insights with audience engagement. It's the heart of our approach. 1. Identifying Gaps and Opportunities: We initiated the process with a comprehensive competitor analysis, identifying areas for improvement and untapped opportunities. 2. Metadata Optimization for Enhanced Visibility: Our strategy involved optimizing metadata by strategically incorporating high-performing keywords into content, elevating app visibility in app stores. 3. Imagery's Role in Emotional Engagement: Imagery was a pivotal component, as we created visually captivating app visuals that not only highlighted features but also resonated emotionally with our users, forging a deeper connection. 4. Innovative Techniques: A/B Testing for Impact: Innovation was integral, with A/B testing playing a crucial role in refining visuals and messaging for maximum impact on our target audience. 5. User Feedback-Driven Technical Enhancements: We actively listened to user feedback and responded with technical fixes to enhance the app's functionality and address user concerns, ensuring a better user experience. Our strategy was the outcome of meticulous planning, rigorous data analysis, and creative execution, aimed at improving visibility and leaving a lasting impression on our audience, truly blending science and artistry.


Our campaign produced compelling outcomes that serve as clear evidence of our success in enhancing app performance. 1. Remarkable 55% Increase in Organic Visits: One of our standout achievements was the remarkable 55% increase in organic visits to the app's page, highlighting the substantial improvement in app visibility. 2. Substantial 36% Increase in Organic Installs: This surge in organic traffic translated into a substantial 36% increase in organic installs, demonstrating our ability to effectively drive user acquisition without relying heavily on paid methods. 3. Impact Beyond Numbers- Influx of Positive App Reviews: Our ASO strategy not only resulted in numerical improvements but also brought an influx of positive app reviews. This qualitative feedback emphasized improved user satisfaction and a more engaging user experience. Collectively, these metrics offer tangible proof that our ASO campaign succeeded in moving the needle, changing user behavior, and making a significant difference in enhancing our app's performance and user engagement.


Tata Capital, Infidigit, SEO Optimization, 2023, Sparkies