Navigating Growth with a 695% Increase in Non-Brand Clicks and 375% Organic Leads Growth

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Case Study


MIS: Overcoming Challenges, Achieving Growth Facing issues with lead quality and website traffic. Initiating the campaign, they had only 30 pages, hindering online presence. Content was SEO-unfriendly, and technical barriers affected Core Web Vitals scores. Through strategic content development, page expansion, technical improvements, and CRO strategies, MIS significantly increased leads, enhanced traffic, and improved keyword rankings. Achieving goals, they now stand transformed with a robust online presence and improved user engagement.


MIS was struggling with high-quality leads and website traffic. Their primary target regions, encompassing the United States, Europe and South Asia were underperforming. Supporting Data: Leads & Traffic: When we intiated with our engagement, MIS leads were averagely over 4 monthly. Whereas Organic monthly traffic was around 555. The Challenge: Limited Page Count: When we started, MIS had a mere 30 pages, limiting their online presence. Our mission extended beyond traffic and leads; we needed to expand their digital footprint by increasing the number of pages. Lack of SEO-Friendly Content: The existing content was far from SEO-optimized. Short in length and steeped in technical jargon, it needed a transformation to improve readability and search engine visibility. Technical Hindrances: The intricate backend architecture of the website posed a significant roadblock. It hindered efforts to improve the Core Web Vitals scores, resulting in a poor user experience and hampering global loading times.


Our campaign for MIS was driven by a clear set of measurable goals and key performance indicators (KPIs). These objectives were not just aspirations; they were our roadmap to success, the "WHAT" that guided our every move. We aimed to deliver concrete, quantifiable outcomes, and in the results section, we'll show how we fared against these objectives. 1. Quality Lead Generation Surge: KPI: Our target was to achieve a substantial increase in lead submissions compared to the baseline performance. 2. Traffic Enhancement: KPI: Our goal was to elevate the organic non-brand monthly clicks, especially in the specified regions, compared to the baseline performance. 3. Keyword Dominance in Top 3 Positions: KPI: We aimed to significantly increase the number of keywords ranked in the top 3 positions compared to the baseline performance. Baseline Performance: To provide context and benchmark our progress, here are the baseline performance metrics: Organic Non-Brand Monthly Clicks:


Content: We strategically developed content clusters to establish topical authority, implementing a unique structure for our test pages in line with EEAT and Semantic SEO principles. Additionally, we enriched user experience by incorporating an infographic outlining the test steps, along with a targeted FAQ emphasizing the Fast Track program's unique selling points. Leveraging CRO: To instill user trust, we introduced testimonial and FAQ pages, enriching the user interface. Beyond a single CTA, we strategically placed CTA buttons, including 'Get A Quote' and 'Consult an Expert,' in the first fold. This approach emphasizes our commitment to customer support and expertise. Further, we integrated USPS and achievements through sticky bars at the top and multiple icons at the end of the content, enhancing credibility.


In an era where data-driven marketing is pivotal, our approach harnessed the power of comprehensive data analysis to revolutionize our strategy. By leveraging targeted insights, we crafted a campaign that not only expanded our digital footprint but also resonated deeply with our diverse audience segments. Here is a detailed view into the campaign's highlights: Test Pages Creation: Commencing with only 30 indexed pages and 3 categories, we expanded MIS categories to six and around 150 pages, incorporating multiple unique tests. This expansion resulted from meticulous competitor and keyword research, aligning our content with relevant and impactful test offerings. Technical Improvements: Addressing issues with the existing WordPress theme that hindered user experiences, particularly for European and South Asian audiences, we executed a theme migration. This less complex, Core Web Vitals-friendly theme, coupled with CDN integration, optimized various elements including JavaScript, CSS, image compression, website security, plugin management, and database efficiency.


At the heart of our innovative SEO strategy lies a harmonious blend of artistic creativity and analytical rigor. We transformed our approach to content and imagery, focusing on intuitive infographics and accessible language, to not only enhance user engagement but also to provide clear, valuable information that resonates with our diverse audience. The points below provide more context regarding the measures taken: Infographics: We integrated and created a norm of adding infographics for each test service that we have on our website. With experimentation in the initial phase and observing user behaviour via Clarity tool, we found out that they are interacting and spending good time on those images. This not only helped us with time spend on website but also got a special feature in SERP. Content Readability: Considering that MIS is in the technical niche, their content was bit technical and full of jargons. Based on competittors research in multiple countries we identified that their content wasnt that technical in nature and it was to an extend helping them in rankings. We created a content structure which wasnt just unique but aslo much more informational in nature compared to any competitors worldwide and aiming for a Flesch Kincaid grade level between 5-11. We even integrated information received through leads queries to make it more information and easy for users in their decision making.


Page Speed: We improved our page speed score from 29 to 99 with technical optimization. Keyword Ranking: We started with 26 keywords ranking in top 3 position to 155 keywords by the end of July 2023 Non Brand Clicks: Non brand Clicks improved by 695%, We started with 523 monthly clicks to 4160 by the end of July 2023 Leads: By the End of July, MIS received 19 leads from multiple countries. Leads counts improved by 375% within a year


Microbe Investigations Switzerland, Infidigit, SEO Optimization, 2023, Sparkies