A Data Driven Campaign to Boost Organic Revenue and Users

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Case Study


Title: A Data Driven Campaign to Boost Organic Revenue and Users Headout's traffic, severely impacted by COVID-19, saw a remarkable 394.0% increase in daily organic users, soaring from 11,377 to 56,196. Beyond traffic, our campaign significantly boosted engagement, with users up by 394.0%, sessions by 406.2%, and revenue by an astonishing 1081.2%. This collaborative effort between Botpresso and Headout, overcoming pandemic challenges, delivered outstanding results and deserves recognition for its innovative and successful spirit.


Headout had suffered due to lack of demand in traffic during 2019-2021 and they knew they had to be ready before the demand rises. This needed a expert team of SEO consultants that could leverage data and creativity to identify trends and accelerate the website traffic with the modern SEO techniques.


Headout, a prominent player in the competitive travel industry. (Total Funding Amount $57.7M) Headout, partnered with Botpresso to enhance their online presence and achieve ambitious goals of increasing organic traffic and revenue by 200%.


We have implemented a strategic categorization approach to effectively reach and convert our target audience. This approach is based on the different stages of the customer journey and aims to capture visitors at each stage of the funnel. Reaching the audience via various page types: Blogs - Top of Funnel (TOFU) Our blog section is designed to attract visitors who are in the early stages of their customer journey. By creating informative and engaging content related to travel experiences, we aim to drive traffic to our website and capture the attention of potential customers. Category Pages & Collection Pages - Middle of Funnel (MOFU): Our category pages are tailored to visitors who have progressed to the middle stages of the funnel. These pages provide a deeper level of information about specific experiences and help visitors narrow their search. By capturing these visitors at this stage, we aim to move them closer to conversion. Experience - Bottom of Funnel (BOFU): Our experience pages are specifically designed to target visitors ready to convert. These pages provide detailed information about specific experiences and offer a clear call to action to encourage bookings. By strategically targeting visitors at this stage, we aim to drive conversions and maximize revenue. These page types were created with specific keyword clusters in mind so that the following objective could be achieved: Increasing the organic traffic & revenue by 200% Problems found during the initial audit Lack of page authority due to massive keyword and content cannibalization Incorrect allocation of crawl budget Incorrect crawling strategy leading to index bloating that leads to: Crawled but not indexed Discovered but not crawled We knew fixing these issues at scale would definitely create positive compounding traffic that was lost during Covid, and unlike past this time it would also bring more revenue.


In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, Headout faced a decline in demand. Recognizing the opportunity to revitalize, we embraced a Data-Driven approach to prepare and strategically grow Headout, acting swiftly before the imminent surge in demand. The journey began with the essential step of Data Collection. Leveraging Keyword Planner & Google Trends, we gathered historical data, laying the foundation for our insights. The subsequent phase involved unraveling trends and Categorizing the Data into meaningful buckets. This process not only revealed patterns but also illuminated potential areas for growth. Learning Insights became a pivotal task. We delved deep to understand the gaps within user intent, recognizing the nuances that could elevate our strategy. Armed with these insights, we conducted sample tests, implementing A/B tests to refine our approach based on the gathered data. The culmination of this meticulous process was the deployment of an optimized version globally. With identified keywords—20,000 strong—we not only aimed for traffic but also strategically forecasted growth based on historical data. Our foresight proved crucial as forecasts indicated a multifold increase in demand for various categories such as "Things to do in a {city}," "Reasons to visit a {city}," and "Book tickets for {experiences}." This proactive data-driven methodology allowed us to stay ahead of the curve, ready to meet the surge in demand head-on. By translating data into actionable insights, we positioned Headout for success in a dynamic and rapidly changing landscape. As we embraced the power of data, we not only prepared for the future but shaped it to our advantage.


Following is the solution offered: Figuring out all the cannibalization occurring Bucketing the cannibalization issues in two ways, namely Content cannibalization Fix it using keyword segregation and various content optimization techniques in experience pages Product page cannibalization Fix it using correct canonicalization, no index tags and redirection Identifying the crawl issues and crawl leakages Fixing crawl issues and leakages by getting rid of URLs pointing to 3xx pages URLs pointing to 4xx pages Different anchors pointing to the same URL Identifying and fixing Hreflang issues Fixing internal linking by: There was a flat distribution of internal links but, that neither was helping our users, nor it was making any sense to search engine bots. We brought demand and supply parameters together along with business numbers to redefine the whole internal linking strategy. We prioritized types of pages based on demand parameters (search volume, keyword difficulty, etc.), supply parameters (offer count on pages, content elements availability, etc.), and business importance (revenue generating pages, business focus geos, etc.). We found opportunities to naturally connect different page types. Some pages were hardly outlinking other pages and then, we also found pages that were overdoing it. We tried to find a good balance to ensure we aren't confusing search engines about what a landing page is about and how it's connected with other pages connected through it. Throughout the process, we kept a close eye on how search engine bots were crawling us. OnCrawl's log file analysis was a life savior here. As a result, the average inlinks per page for our most important page cluster increased from 4.87 to 76.37. The increase in organic traffic and revenue started showing the impact almost immediately and has been only going north since then. Helping build a conversion-friendly page to increase revenue via organic traffic


From January 2022 to April 2023, our digital efforts yielded exceptional results for our client. Organic sessions surged impressively by 406.2%, escalating from 410,723 to 2,079,150. Simultaneously, organic users experienced a remarkable 394.0% increase, from 352,681 to 1,742,086. The impact on organic revenue was nothing short of astounding, boasting a phenomenal 1081.2% surge from 380,462 to 4,494,162. As per Google Analytics Our strategic SEO initiatives also led to a substantial 49.5% boost in keywords ranking within the top 3 positions, reaching 5,781 from an initial 3,866. Furthermore, keywords ranking between the 4th to 10th positions witnessed an impressive 54% growth, rising from 11,301 to an impressive 23,182. As per Semrush These numbers not only reflect our dedication to success but also underscore the tangible, quantifiable impact of our efforts on organic visibility, user engagement, and revenue generation.


Headout, Botpresso, SEO Optimization, 2023, Sparkies