Unveiling the Winning Strategy – Home Loan Category

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Case Study


"From Clicks to Homeownership: TATA Capital's Remarkable Organic SEO Conversion Campaign" - In this extraordinary journey, TATA Capital's home loan category witnessed a monumental shift, as an innovative organic SEO campaign triggered an exceptional surge in conversion rates. By revamping content, optimizing user experiences, and redefining link quality, the campaign brought forth a wave of relevant traffic and ushered users on a seamless path to home loan acquisition


Challenges included content uniqueness in a competitive market, mobile optimisation for varied devices, and link quality to preserve the credibility. Content Originality: Maintaining content originality in TATA Capital's home loan category was challenging due to fierce financial industry competition. Creating unique, regulatory-compliant content demanded constant innovation. Plagiarism risked SEO and customer trust, making originality crucial. Mobile Optimization Complexity: Mobile optimization was complex in the home loan category due to diverse devices and screen sizes. Achieving a seamless experience on smartphones required intricate design. Balancing mobile-friendliness with consistent cross-platform user experiences posed a unique challenge, necessitating continuous testing and adjustments. Link Quality Assurance: Ensuring link quality was challenging in TATA Capital's home loan category. Maintaining a strong backlink profile while avoiding low-quality links was vital. Given the industry's susceptibility to link spam and SEO guidelines, rigorous monitoring and auditing were necessary to add value and credibility without harming rankings.


The primary objective of the campaign was to improve the category's visibility and rankings, thereby driving organic traffic, and quality leads. Elevating the Home Loan Category Ranking: The focus of this campaign was the improvement of the home loan category's rankings. By enhancing the visibility and prominence of this section, the campaign aimed to increase organic traffic and the conversion rate. Driving Relevant Traffic: The aim was to attract highly relevant traffic by creating content that precisely addressed the specific queries of potential homebuyers. By aligning content with users' search intent, the campaign strived to not only increase organic traffic but also engage visitors who were more likely to convert. Enhance User Experience: Enhance the overall website experience, ensuring that visitors find what they need easily and encouraging them to engage with the home loan category content and offerings.


When crafting our SEO campaign strategy, our primary emphasis revolved around elevating the app's conversion rate. We made critical decisions to enhance visibility, engage users effectively, and meticulously target our ideal audience for the most efficient and impactful approach. Resolving Content Duplication: To combat content duplication, a thorough content audit was conducted. This audit led to the removal of duplicate content and the creation of unique, high-value articles tailored to the home loan audience. The campaign also emphasized the use of long-tail keywords and topical relevance to enhance search rankings. Optimizing Mobile Experience and Link Quality: The campaign improved mobile optimization by restructuring the website's navigation for better crawlability. A mobile-first strategy ensured a consistent user experience on both desktop and mobile platforms. Additionally, addressing link quality involved a two-pronged approach, starting with a backlink audit to identify and eliminate low-quality backlinks. A targeted link-building campaign followed, focusing on acquiring reputable, finance-related domain backlinks to enhance the site's authority and visibility. Technical Enhancements and User Engagement: On the technical front, the campaign implemented schema tags to provide search engines with more contextual information about the site's content, increasing its visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs). URL structures were streamlined by eliminating redundant parameters and using proper canonical tags to enhance crawlability and indexing. The campaign also enriched user engagement by integrating review and rating elements with schema markup on relevant pages, boosting user trust and click-through rates. These comprehensive efforts led to a tailored, effective strategy that strengthened the financial institution's presence in the home loan category.


Data-Driven SEO Strategy: Our SEO strategy at Infidigit revolves around data analysis, and it's the foundation of our success. To thrive in the dynamic world of SEO, we employ a meticulous data-driven approach, harnessing tools like Adobe Analytics, Google Search Console, Ahrefs, and SEMrush for a triumphant SEO campaign. The Power of Data Analysis: We initiate our journey by delving into data from Adobe Analytics and Google Search Console. These platforms provide invaluable insights into user behavior, keyword performance, and trending queries. This data-driven analysis guides our content strategy, helping us pinpoint high-performing keywords and user queries for maximum impact. The Three-Pronged Data-Backed Approach: Armed with comprehensive data and insights, we employed a three-pronged approach. First, we optimized our on-page content using high-performing keywords. Second, we continuously monitored performance to adapt to changing user behavior and search algorithms. Lastly, we leveraged data to create actionable strategies, informing content creation, link building, and other critical aspects of SEO. Our data-driven strategy is more than a buzzword; it's the driving force behind our SEO success.


Implementing the Data-Driven Strategy: We pioneered the implementation of our data-driven SEO strategy, leveraging potent tools such as Adobe Analytics, Google Search Console, Ahrefs, and SEMrush to create a successful SEO campaign. Leveraging the Strength of Data Analysis: Our journey began with a deep dive into Adobe Analytics and Google Search Console data. These platforms provided a wealth of information regarding user behaviour, keyword performance, and query trends. Our content strategy was fuelled by our team's commitment to data-driven analysis, which enabled us to pinpoint high-performing keywords and user queries for maximum impact. A data-supported, strategy in operation: Armed with an abundance of extensive data and insights, we executed a three-pronged strategy. Initially, we meticulously aligned our on-page content with high-performing keywords. Second, our team maintained vigilance by continuously monitoring performance in order to quickly respond to shifting user behaviour and search algorithms. Finally, we converted data into actionable strategies, allowing us to make informed decisions regarding content creation, link building, and other crucial SEO factors.


Following is the outcome of our campaign 1. 151% increase in the internal links & 73% increase in backlink portfolio: The substantial 151% increase in internal links signifies an intentional effort to interconnect web pages, enhancing user experience and website structure. Simultaneously, the remarkable 73% growth in the backlink portfolio highlights an improved off-site SEO strategy, including acquiring high-quality external links. These achievements work together to fortify the website's authority and credibility, contributing to better search engine rankings and overall online presence. 2. 63% boost in organic visits & 95% increase in organic leads: The impressive 63% boost in organic visits reflects a significant increase in qualified organic traffic, driven by targeted SEO efforts. This increase in website visitors, combined with a noteworthy 95% rise in organic leads, emphasizes the campaign's effectiveness in converting organic traffic into actionable leads. The success in boosting both visits and leads underscores the campaign's impact on enhancing the website's conversion rate and, consequently, its overall effectiveness. 3. 24% more impressions & 26% more clicks: The 24% increase in impressions signifies a broader reach for the website's content in search engine results, indicating more users were exposed to the site's offerings. The accompanying 26% increase in clicks reveals an improved click-through rate, demonstrating that users engaged more with the content. These results indicate a more successful SEO strategy that not only expanded visibility but also encouraged user interaction, ultimately driving increased traffic and potential conversions.


Tata Capital, Infidigit, SEO Optimization, 2023, Sparkies