Bridgestone Sturdo

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Case Study


"Zamana Badal Jayega – Bridgestone Sturdo chalta jayega."


Strengthen the brand's market leadership with the new product launch; B-Sturdo, a range that aims to deliver increasing wear life and durability than our existing market-leading product; B290 from the B&S series and other competitors in the tyre industry. Tyre is a low-involvement product but a high-ticket item. Our audience replaces a tyre once in 3-4 years and is not much involved until the time comes to replace the tyres. While wear & tear and degraded performance are the primary purchase triggers, the TG seeks to make an informed decision basis some attributes, durability & tyre life being the key ones. The significant influencers are usually tyre dealers or mechanics. Online research is also picking up pace for being the first step in a consumer's purchase journey.


The meticulously devised plan aimed to strengthen the market leader with the help of a new product range launch. Basis the Indian consumer behaviour, their need for any tyre is durability and longevity that will span over changing times. Building on this insight, our key message, "Zamana Badal Jayega par Bridgestone Sturdo Chalta Jayega' was born and amplified amongst our targeted listeners. We created awareness by establishing product supremacy within identified target segments alongside acquiring new customers. With the right mix of communication and media planning, we achieved an 18% growth in our Brand Search Volume & 37% Growth in our Brand SOV. Moreover, the brand achieved a 15K+ share of brand search volumes and campaign-related key volumes, indicating a high recall among the audience. The campaign contributed to a high Indian viewership of more than 76% of achieved CTV.


Zamana Badal Jayega Bridgestone Sturdo Chalta Hi Jayega: Branded Films & Social Content The Sturdo launch was embarked with a DVC starring Vijay Raaz. To reach a wider audience, we created reels and short videos from our film, which garnered appreciation and love on social media. To educate the audience about the tyre, we worked on individual posts for each feature to establish a stronghold of the communication that ‘Sturdo is a long-lasting and durable tyre of choice for your daily commute'. To sustain the hype built during the launch, we created multiple posts highlighting the Sturdo capability of the long-lasting and durable tyre via various instances. We used the 'Sturdo tyre' photoshoot images primarily in all our topicals and other communications to create a recall value amongst our audience. Sturdo Microsite – We launched a landing page for our campaign where the parallax UI of the website offered a seamless experience to our users. The objective was to get our users to land on the interactive microsite through different scenarios from our brand film. The interactive scenarios were designed and created in a storytelling format to take the user along the journey. We also implemented various engaging elements and CTAs on the website, like TVC, FAQ section, Product Features, and Contact Us form, to make the website experience all the more compelling for the users. Influencers & Auto Publishers: To amplify our reach and improve brand advocacy, we collaborated with Key Opinion Leaders (KOL) associated with the Automobile Industry, like auto reviewers, content creators, publishers and other influencers. Individual Content Creators: To collaborate with influencers who highlight the key features of Sturdo in long and short video formats.


Bridgestone Sturdo was a new product that was set to replace the highest-selling product line ‘The B series. It was a success with no loss in Market share and nos on discontinuation of B-290, the highest selling tyre of Bridgestone. The product received a warm response from our customers and our dealers. We launched Sturdo in the market with several innovative high-impact initiatives divided into sections. Within a day to stop the sales of B290 and bring in STURDO was a bold decision. We achieved a complete transition from B290 to Sturdo with no loss of sale and market share. Lam



Impact: Reach: 165 MN The campaign reach 82.5% of the total digital audience Views: 77 MN Overall VTR – 35% (Benchmark 25-30% for creative >1min) Clicks: 3.1 MN Overall, the CTR for the campaign was 0.7%, which is higher than the benchmark of (0.5%-0.6%) Website Visits: 1.1 MN The campaign garnered 40% click to visit ratio The avg. benchmark is 30-35% on other websites


Bridgestone India, Dentsu Creative, AUTOMOTIVE, 2023, ECHO