Bosch. #IndianKitchenKaDishwasher

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Case Study


Made for India, made for the Indian Kitchen, our myth busting campaign on building relevance of dishwashers in India by owning the phrase #IndianKitchenKaDishwasher has created waves in this segment. Consumers have developed strong affinity to the brand choosing it over competition. This has led to on-ground sentiment with trade and consumers that 'if you own a dishwasher, it has to be a Bosch'


Dishcare is a highly unpenetrated category as compared to the other leading white good categories like televisions, air-conditioning or refrigeration. Low relevance among Indian consumers, a not-for-indian kitchen perception, and lack of knowledge of the core benefits coupled with multiple myths have been some of the critical factors inhibiting growth. The space constraint in the kitchen of many Indian homes, especially in cities, further limits the desire to consider buying into this category. However, global trends and recent Indian home appliances consumer purchase behaviors have shown that with the right benefit story, consumers are willing to explore solutions to automate mundane tasks at home. Herein, lies the opportunity to build the category in market thriving with consumerism and high propensity to spend on appliances that improve the quality of life at home and give them more time to spend on what they love to do


The primary objective was to drive sales by 1.5x over 2019 for BSH by increasing consideration and intent. A herculean task in a slow moving category where trade is unwilling to display the product due to lack of consumer curiosity. Dishwashing is a very important part of set of household tasks within the Indian culture. A thankless chore predominantly managed by the women in the house who in turn outsource/semi-manage this with the househelp. Readily available and affordable labour coupled with a plethora of hurdles make this a very difficult market to penetrate


Our first objective was to identify the barriers and motivations that exist among consumers, which could lead to targeted insights. We narrowed down on six key perceptions and myths that revolved around dishwashers and decided to erase it from the consumer's mind through our communication. Through a series of ad films that cleverly referenced myths and debunked them using ‘realism' as their currency, while subtly discrediting overarching gender myths on how an Indian kitchen is the realm of a ‘woman or a mom or a daughter-in-law' alone, and most importantly - on how dishwashing was a ‘must-do' chore - with no other alternative. We captured intent through digital media plan with a lead based landing page to identify a secondary parameter of campaign success parameters.


Dishwashers are a niche category with little to no information available on consumer usage and behaviour. Hence the first task was to generate insights on the what-how-where before we continued with the mission. Employing the design thinking route we first met consumers across key cities to understand their dishwashing behaviour. Factors that work as barriers for new purchase and the ones that could trigger fence sitters. We conducted 30 home visits, across 5 key strategic cities and developed some qualitative insights. These were tested with 300+ consumers using the MaxDiff analysis method we arrived at a set of 3 motivators (hygiene, clutter free kitchen and high volume) and 3 barriers (space, status quo and suitability). Having the right problem areas, demographic and key inertia drivers on the category such as, "dishwasher can wash very few utensils", "not suitable for removing Indian cooking stains", "Can never be compared to handwashing & maids", "Dishwashers are not hygienic", we created interesting, compelling and clutter breaking stories with an element of humor.


Artfully coining the campaign #IndianKitchenKaDishwasher we struck right are the core of Indian Homes. Each one of these digital films was created, focusing on erasing the perception/ doubt so that consumers move into the consideration phase of purchasing. From the ‘inability to clean kadhais' to ‘not the most hygienic', ‘not saving water' to ‘incapability to fit multiple Indian utensils', #IndianKitchenKaDishwasher offered nuggets of fast education to an erstwhile reluctant Indian customer on the benefits of owning a dishwater at home. By changing consumer mindset to now entertain inquisition over outright rejection, the campaign offered a direct window into the practical usage of the home appliance features in today's day and age.


The campaign was divided into three phases namely educate, capture intent and close sale. Our first phase was to identify the barriers and motivations that exist among consumers, which could lead to targeted insights. We narrowed down on six key perceptions and myths that revolved around dishwashers and decided to erase it from the consumer's mind through our communication. Through a series of ad films that cleverly referenced myths and debunked them using ‘realism' as their currency, while subtly discrediting overarching gender myths on how an Indian kitchen is the realm of a ‘woman or a mom or a daughter-in-law' alone, and most importantly - on how dishwashing was a ‘must-do' chore - with no other alternative. For the second phase, we captured intent through a digital media strategy. Driving awareness through films and retargeting interested consumers with link to a lead based landing page. The third and most important part of the campaign was to close the lead using a well-structured lead management system. The campaign period saw and exponential increase in leads arriving through the lead page driving 60% lead-conversion ratio and 59% sales spike over the previous year.


BSH Household Appliances Manufacturing Pvt. Ltd., Oct, 2022