#15YearsOfTrust - FarmPik

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Case Study


#15YearsOfTrust The #15YearsOfTrust campaign to help reinstate and solidify the thought that for over 15 years, 17000 + farmers have trusted FarmPik, its methods and have partnered to provide the best quality produce in the market.


Certain information regarding the brand was misreported, which hurt the sentiments of the farmers across Himachal, leading to FarmPik receiving flak for operations in the state. Incorrect reports on the pricing of fruits as well as the margins these farmers were receiving were circulated without proper verification or documentation, leading to a negative sentiment being created regarding the brand.


India is a predominantly agrarian economy and thus the progress of our nation has been determined by the hard work and endearing effort of the various farmers toiling across their land. Adani FarmPik works directly with the farmers and helps their products reach markets that are normally inaccessible to them, so that they can achieve better rates for their produce. Our task was to reinstate the trust of the farmers and all our customers back in the brand.


We started off by creating Official social media handles for FarmPik across all platforms. We then started the #15YearsOfTrust campaign to help reinstate and solidify the thought that for over 15 years, 17000 + farmers have trusted FarmPik, its methods and have partnered to provide the best quality produce in the market. The #15YearsOfTrust campaign talked about the deep involvement of FarmPik in the farming community from 15 years of being farmer friendly to 15 years of being a partner; while emphasizing Quality, Equality, and interest of farmers as the base of our communication. We initiated a series of content which focused on farmer testimonials, the FarmPik production process, enablement of farmers, the FarmPik family of 17000 farmers and the partnership between Adani and the farmers.


Incorrect reports on the pricing of fruits as well as the margins these farmers were receiving were circulated without proper verification or documentation, leading to a negative sentiment being created against the brand.We started off by creating Official social media handles for FarmPik across all platforms. We then started the #15YearsOfTrust campaign to help reinstate and solidify the thought that for over 15 years, 17000 + farmers have trusted FarmPik, its methods and have partnered to provide the best quality produce in the market. The #15YearsOfTrust campaign talked about the deep involvement of FarmPik in the farming community from 15 years of being farmer friendly to 15 years of being a partner; while emphasizing Quality, Equality, and interest of farmers as the base of our communication. Our task was to reinstate the trust of the farmers and all our customers back in the brand.


We started off by creating Official social media handles for FarmPik across all platforms. We then started the #15YearsOfTrust campaign to help reinstate and solidify the thought that for over 15 years, 17000 + farmers have trusted FarmPik, its methods and have partnered to provide the best quality produce in the market. The #15YearsOfTrust campaign talked about the deep involvement of FarmPik in the farming community from 15 years of being farmer friendly to 15 years of being a partner; while emphasizing Quality, Equality, and interest of farmers as the base of our communication.


In the first month of our social media presence, the average organic engagement was nearly 5%. While platforms such as Facebook and Twitter saw nearly 10% organic engagement. The various content pieces created for FarmPik garnered nearly 7L views. The immediate result of this was an improvement in the positive sentiments reflecting through the comment section on all our social media handles. The user sentiment for FarmPik improved to 50% positive and 40% neutral.


Adani Digital Labs, Oct, 2022