Email Campaign (Real Time Dynamic API Enabled Performance Mailer)

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Case Study


"One of the Most Effective uses of Communication" The first initiative where investors can access real-time NAV details any time anywhere via email in their inboxes and the same will be auto-updated daily! It will also display a countdown timer depicting the hours, minutes, and seconds remaining for investors to get same-day NAV. To top it all, the fund performance table of the scheme can also be viewed in the email...


As soon as the campaign started, a couple of marketing challenges were prominent to both the Team Kenscio and Team Nippon India which are as depicted below: As per SEBI advertising guidelines, any campaign displaying MF returns and fund performance numbers has to be refreshed on a monthly basis. For eg: A creative rolled out in July'21 can only depict the Fund performance of Jun'21. That creative cannot be used in any other month and the whole exercise of designing the creative with refreshed fund performance numbers, seeking product and compliance approvals, converting it into any HTML has to be repeated all over again. Introducing these API-enabled mailers will ensure that the numbers get automatically updated in the same HTML reducing our Go to Market TAT significantly.


This entire campaign has been designed with the key objective To offer a simple and easy-to-understand approach to investors for tracking their investments To provide real-time NAV value by integrating the portal & website for auto-updates To enable the user to easily track the time that is remaining for them to get NAV from the portal itself with the help of an attached timer To highlight fund performance of Nippon India Pharma Fund in an automated way using dynamic APIs which would serve real-time information to the investor and nudge the investor to make an investment in the fund through digital channels


This technologically advanced email is an industry-first initiative where investors can access real-time NAV details any time anywhere via email in their inboxes and the same will be auto-updated daily! It will also display a countdown timer depicting the hours, minutes, and seconds remaining for investors to get same-day NAV. To top it all, the fund performance table of the scheme can also be viewed in the email and the same will get auto-updated every month! Interestingly, post the cut-off time of 15:00 PM, the countdown timer will automatically disappear from the email and reappear again the next day to depict the time remaining to get same-day NAV. Nippon India Pharma Fund was chosen for this pilot project. Improve deliverability and overall inbox placement to 90%+ Enhance engagement by increasing open rates and CTR Bring the ice breaker of email communications between the brand and the users Positioning the brand as the most user-friendly and digital savvy asset management platform Reach out to maximum users to promote and cross-sell activities Improve user experience in terms of email communication Provide a seamless experience for the customers, improve brand-customer affinity Plan a targeting based on city, age groups, and other related aspects for the client Review the Open & Click Rates, geolocation and also analyze the bounce rate of emails Redeeming the IP/Domain reputation to help prevent triggering the spam filter, improving the open rate and click-through-rate, and reaching above 90% inbox placement


A comprehensive email deliverability audit was conducted to outline the issues behind lack of email deliverability. With the best-in-class email deliverability intelligence and real-time insights, the team at Kenscio redeemed the IP & Domain reputation of the client. ESP-specific spam, block, and blacklist issues were also addressed Active audiences were created based on the recency of activities. The active audiences were then segmented into logical groups and campaigns which were executed as per the warmup plan. Team Kenscio worked together to reduce the set-up time with self-provisioning of accounts and powerful list segmentation. Segmented the database and executed the campaigns as per the warmup plan. Created reports based on the timeframe, email category, ISP, geography, and device type. Performed A/B testing of email subject lines and content was undertaken to ensure a high degree of INBOX placement.


Email deliverability & Inbox placement increased Managed the domain & IP reputation Executed and monitored warm-up plans to scale up volume Ensured email list hygiene - time-triggered & automated list cleaning Subject line comparison and content score check to gauge email campaign performance Engagement Monitoring and analytics Spam & Blacklist alert - suppression against potential spam trap Measured email campaign performance in real-time with unprecedented email deliverability intelligence, email open rate, reading rate, delete w/o being read rate & the subscriber engagement level, etc.


Increased readability, appearance, and impressions Overall INBOX placement increased up to 99% (Gmail placement) Successfully sent volume was 18,51,649 The open rate becomes as high as 21%. Sender IP & domain reputation improved efficiently from low to high Reduced spam & bounce rate Overall Click rate (CTR) was increased while the overall conversion rate was 18% of total clicks


Nippon India Mutual Fund, Oct, 2022