Angel Academy

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Case Study


Angel Academy is Angel One'sintegrated multichannel storytelling initiative to handhold users through the marketing funnel. BFSI companies in India are primarily focused on the Tier I market. All companies wish to speak to customers with high purchasing power. As such, we believe that the Tier I market is saturated. Angel One created a multi-month, multi-platform user education campaign on a massive scale that reached hundreds of thousands of new users, and generated thousands of leads.


4 key challenges: 1.Trading is fundamentally complex. Market movements are unpredictable, and a wrong decision can cost the customer tens of thousands in losses. Our users often have their life's investments in their brokerage account. How to simplify something this complex for Tier 2-3-4? 2. We wanted to speak to our audience in a language and delivery style that they could relate to. Instead of speaking down to our audience, we wanted to speak to them as a friend. 3. The 4G/5G revolution has helped transform the way media is consumed. Many users coming online for the first time are eschewing text entirely in favour of audio-visual media. A content strategy focused solely on text is setting yourself up for failure. 4. As the rise of Tik-Tok and its predecessor, attention spans are low and declining each year. Investment content is high-stakes and complex, how to resolve it?


4 main objectives: 1. Do you know which customers trade the most with Angel One? The happy ones. Or in investment-speak, the ones that grow their money. Thus, our primary objective was to create content that helps you become a better investor/trader. 2. The objective for us is to build up trust in the minds of readers, viewers and listeners of our content. 3. In an era where social organic traffic has declined substantially from its heyday, organic search traffic has re-emerged to the forefront as the one true scalable source of organic traffic. But can you direct traffic to the website solely via SEO? 4.As the content space grows, there are niches where few corporates have gone before - podcasts, edutech and infographics being the 3 we identified.


The content followed well defined structures, taking input from management textbooks and storytelling techniques to build recognizable patterns. This helped users navigate the otherwise vast universe of financial content we were producing. 1.WHAT is the concept? 2. WHY to learn the concept? 3. WHEN to use the concept? 4. HOW to use the concept? 5. WHERE to execute this learning (using client product)? The content was packaged through a 4 step process: RESEARCH Nail down the information to be communicated STORYTELLING Convert research into relatable stories and anecdotes SCRIPTING Create first person narrative across media SENSORY Identify relatable visual/audio cues across video, podcast and graphics


Final production numbers 1. 8000+ videos Animated & Bite sized videos were created in multiple languages. The key win here is that cost optimization was achieved via building a graphic library and standardizing templates. 2. 500+ podcasts This is a unique win as due to lockdown, studios were shut. We built at-home recording capabilities and delivered 500+ podcasts without hiccups to the production calendar. 3. 5000+ blogs Data-driven financial insights were utilized to craft blogs. The key win here is our TAT: We have delivered blogs at scale, with TAT as low as a few hours - to capitalize on trends e.g. Budget, IPOs


Solution: 1. Team and strategy setup to deliver scale and economy of content production across 3 channels: video, podcasts and blogs 2. Leveraged key properties of each channel to drive conversion at different levels of the marketing funnel 3. Developed unique brand language to enhance engagement and user loyalty 4. Vernacular content to expand outreach to ‘Bharat' Team and strategy setup to deliver scale and economy of content across 3 channels: video, podcasts and blogs (a)Scale: 8098 videos How was this achieved? The team. The standard issue faced in BFSI content is that of talent. BFSI tends to be complicated, and few content writers truly understand the space. Qrius was able to staff ex-journalists from organisations such as BloombergQuint, Business Standard and Financial Express on the project, which brought in the right kind of domain expertise that was required in this context. Our team put together an intensive series of educational content for the first 5 months to cover the basics, after which we made it a monthly activity. (b)Economics of production: Costs as low as 20% of prevailing market content rates How was this achieved? The strategy. Standardisation: Key elements were standardised upfront, enabling fresh content to be produced with minimum iterations. Long term vision: A monthly calendar was developed, enabling certainty, and investments in a dedicated full-time team. Developed unique brand language to enhance engagement and user loyalty, supported by vernacular content Finance can be dry – we identified methods to spice up the content using pop culture quips, analogies and day to day events The language was kept colloquial – however, to be able to convert complex topics into colloquial terms needs deep expertise – research and writing is done by ex-journalists and ex-industry individuals We developed content in Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Tamil, Bengali, Telugu and Kannada.


Website Growth Users from Organic Search Jan'20: 202k Nov'21: 716k Growth: 3.54x Sessions from Organic Search Jan'20: 327k Nov'21: 1124k Growth: 3.55x Time on Page: Jan'20: 2 minutes 8 seconds Nov'21: 3 minutes 40 seconds Growth: 1.7x 450x growth in organic leads Youtube Total Views: Jan'20: 0.56 million Nov'21: 42 million Growth: 75x Total Watch Time: Jan'20: 7.5k hours Nov'21: 235.6k hours Growth: 31x Awards Won Financial Content of the Decade - Consumer Education Initiative by Inkspell at The Decade Awards 2020 - Aug/20 Content in Search Marketing Campaign – Consumer Education Initiative by Inkspell at MCube Awards - Aug/20 Content in Search Marketing Campaign – Special Mention by Inkspell in India Content Leadership Awards 2020- Nov/20 Indian Content Leadership - Best Content in a Search Marketing Campaign for Angel Academy- Nov/20 Gold in the BFSI Sector by BuzzIn Content- Dec/20 Best Customer Education Initiative in the Equity Broking Sector at Resulticks BFSI Digital Stallions Awards- Feb/21 Silver in Most Consistent Excellence in Digital Publishing by India Digital Awards, IAMAI- Feb/21 Bronze for Best Content Marketing in BFSI sector by DigiXX 2021 April 21 Silver for Best Use of Organic Search by Digixx 2021- April-21 Best Financial Content in Financial Services/ Banking Enterprise for Angel Academy at the Unlocked Awards 2021 organised by Inkspell- May'21 Best Content Strategy in Financial Services for Angel Academy at the Unlocked Awards 2021 organised by Inkspell - May'21 Bronze in Excellence in Communication in the BFSI Services in ImageXX awards organised by Adgully - July'21 Gold for Best Video in Financial Services in a Digital Campaign/Financial Services Awards by Inkspell - July'21 ACEF Content Marketing &Creators Awards 2021 for Video Content BSFI presented to Angel Academy- Aug'21 Best Content in Financial Services/Banking Blog/Website by India Content Leadership Awards - Nov'21


Angel One, Oct, 2022