Tracking Silent Sufferers-Unleashing the Potential of Hyperlocal Targeting-

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Case Study


Tracking Silent Sufferers by unleashing the Potential of Hyperlocal Targeting- by reaching out to people visiting Endocrinologist (Doctors with specialization in diabetes)- for Sugar free Dabur Chyawanprakash (Ayurvedic immunity booster) during the times when consumers were really worried about their immunity the most


Our country is often referred to as the diabetes capital of the world. As per HRD ministry of India on Jan 2021, 9.3% senior citizens of India are diagnosed with diabetes. Delhi and Punjab has 20% of its senior citizen's cadre in the age group 45-59 diagnosed with Diabetes. Dabur Chyawanprash has produced a variant meant for those suffering without having them deprived of Immunity Boosters and ayurvedic nutrients. But unlike other lifestyle disease targeted campaigns – like Nicotine x Smokers or Saridon x headaches, it is hard to find diabetes patients They don't publicly show their status unlike smokers nor do they specific trigger points like stress for headaches. They tend to silently go about their routines, taking their tests, medicines and trying to make lifestyle changes We needed a way to meaningfully connect with them, showing empathy as well as presenting DCP sugar free as a solution


Dabur wanted to reach out to the consumers, who weighs body immunity high, are aware of the Ayurvedic qualities and the benefits of a Chyawanprash but are concerned to take it due to their Diabetic history and fear of sugar imbalance. The objective was to Identify the consumers in relation to Diabetes and introduce them to Dabur Chyawanprakash: a new formula loaded with immunity boosters and Ayurvedic qualities but ‘Sugar-Free'. The approach to identify target audiences started with brainstorming the demographics, routine of diabetic people and, their frequency of visits to an Endocrinologist clinic. These people were then pinned through hyper-local targeting of Endocrinology Clinics showing interstitial banners ads Programmatically & generating massive brand awareness and consideration for Dabur Chyawanprakash.


Even silent sufferers on internet have some signals that they knowingly/ unknowingly give out in terms of digital footprints. While we mapped those trails through searches for diabetes/diets or nutrition influencers but couldn't get closer to find the substantial behavioral patterns. After realizing the most common routine to those suffering is their doctor visit which they do not miss. It was a great opportunity to tap the people visiting their Endocrinologist and introduce them to our product which is Sugar Free variant- Dabur Chyawanprakash. There are numerous endocrinologists in the country and diabetes requires a visit every 3-6 months. What if we could identify those who visit Endocrinologists and present ourselves via digital at the moment of truth. This could increase our relevance and 1-1 messaging, allowing us to seamlessly connect with TG Encapsulating this necessity, we have figured out the list of 537 clinics across India and targeted those through Programmatic channel with ‘Hyper Local Targeting' method. Hyper-Local Targeting is one of the most unique ways to identify audiences with specific attributes in a particular location and target them with tailored-made communication. We partnered with Xplace to identify locations with Endocrinology Clinics and target these, using the Polygon technique of mapping the area in proximity of the clinics. People visiting these clinics is last 30 days were shown the customized communications through programmatic buying. This led to stitching the Brand into the memory citing the usefulness of it in their ailment.


We've executed our campaigns programmatically on various apps and websites targeting people who have visited the Endocrinology clinic in the last 30 Days. We have targeted: 35+ Male/Female Geo- UP, NCR, Haryana, WB, MH, Bengaluru Inventory was bought Programmatically on Apps of various Genres Audience Targeting and Mapping was done through Hyper Local Technique 27% of the total campaign spend was allocated to Xplace We've amassed 5.3 Mn impressions in 6 Weeks


Creatives highlighted importance of immunity during Covid times and assured the consumers that they can have Ayurvedic immunity booster without worrying about sugar.


By allocating almost 1/3 of the overall campaign budget in finding an audience unique and relevant to the product we have achieved. 37% Higher CTR's compared to the planned 36% More clicks than planned The response from the Consumers was enthralling as the Innovative style to pin down the audiences through hyper-local targeting hold utmost relevance for the brand that is evident in the final delivered metrics.


Dabur India, Oct, 2022