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This book is playbook on marketing in the age of Martech. But before the play begins, Amit introduces the players, and you soon discover this is more than a mere match of equals. This is a match where both sides—Marketing and Technology—decide to collaborate rather than compete. With the release of this book, India takes its first step delving into Mar-Tech. The game's changed. "Marketing is no Marteching."


What came first: Technology or Marketing? At first this seems like a chicken and egg situation. But that is why we introduced the Marriage analogy, because it reminds us that Technology and Marketing are equals; one may precede the other, but needn't bring forth the other. That said, purely by logic, we can surmise that Tech came before Marketing. For, as we established in the previous chapter, "tech" is nothing but "tool", and humans have always crafted tools to master their environment. Consider for a moment a farmer in prehistoric times, wielding a yoke for subsistence long before yielding a surplus. Only when the plough reaps more than his fair share, will he then see the need for a cart to take it to market. Truly a case of the horse coming before the cart (as it ought). When we look at the evolution of Technology and Marketing we see not only that Technology came first, but that it assisted Marketing in its emergence, and is critical even now in Marketing's survival and growth.


Why did I write this book? Am I, Amit Tiwari, an author? No more than a town crier is a poet. But, like the town crier, I do believe I bear a timely message which is in the interest of the hearer. If you will pardon the manner in which the message tumbles out, and take it to heart, I believe my job will be done. For, my message carries with it the weight of experience and a sense of urgency. I've often seen tools get the better of people. This applies to tools new and old, but especially to the new and unfamiliar. The lack of understanding the WHY behind the tool leads to mishaps in HOW that tool is handled and mastered. When we sat down to write, we first admitted the near impossible task of putting out a book on a subject that would change manifold by the time of the book's release. We resolved this in two ways: first, we decided to base everything on fundamental marketing and human truths, which never change. And second, we decided to treat book we had already published last year, and whose second edition we wished to bring out.


Where did silos get all the negative press? Aren't silos necessary for a culture? When we look at the etymology of the word itself, we see that it connotes a dugout: a cave or shelter for the storage of crops or grain. Now why should we be breaking those down? Perhaps "breaking down silos" worked for the open-plan brigade, who saw demonising private work spaces as an opportunity to introduce their flat architectural solution? Perhaps. And this is where our central theme of the "marriage" of Marketing and Tech comes to our aid, because just as space is key to the wellbeing of equals living as one, so it is with working relationships. Too little space, and the relationship wears. Too much and it withers. Strategically speaking, there are 3 functional divisions in Marteching™: Technology, Data and Content, bound together by the Management layer. Technology is the infrastructure, Data the lifeblood and Content the heart producing the bits and bytes that attract and grow the business. These demarcations create silos at the primary level: the strategic. 104 | Mar-Tech Operationally speaking, there are 5: Strategy, Content Creation, Media Distribution, Customer Experience and Data & Analytics. They work a lot like Michael Porter's classic value chain, with 2 key differences: (1) the model is cyclic, not linear; and (2) silo 5 feeds back into silo 1. These demarcations create silos at the secondary level: the operational.


A relationship is as rich as you make it. So what is the Marteching™ relationship cut out for? What are the limits of possibility here? Before we bring this book to a close, we'd like to answer that question. And since we are Marketers first, and technologists second, you will hear the future of Marteching™ from a Marketer's perspective You see, Marketing works both ways. Know who gets this better than most? Data. Data is present at every imaginable end point, bringing marketing touch points from the dark, so to say, into the light. Once they're in the light, the journey has only just begun. What will you do with this data? If the Marteching™ rebrand of Marketing is to be a successful, it will require every one of our perspectives. So bring it. If you're a 40-yr old marketer learning code, bring it. If you're a 20-yr old design student unsure how your fine arts degree can aid Marteching™, bring it. If you're a data analyst seeking to add value in how brand stories are told, bring it.



Amazon best seller ta two weeks in two different categories # 1 In Business Strategy and Management #1In Analysis & Strategy


N/A, Amit Tiwari, NOT-FOR-PROFIT, 2023, ECHO