SAP Startup Social

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Case Study


SAP Startup Social is SAP Labs India's flagship thought leadership summit for the startup ecosystem in India, which aims to bring together some of the best minds from the ecosystem. Initiated in 2016, this summit is today one of India's most significant corporate accelerator-driven startup summits, with more than 1500+ participants across the previous editions featuring some of the leading voices from the startup ecosystem in India across the various editions.


India has over 8000 B2B SaaS startups, but the issue that plagues is market access, the cost of acquiring customers and reaching the right audiences. SAP saw potential here. 1. Showcase the innovation quotient of SAP 2. Build confidence with larger scaleups looking to adopt an ERP towards SAP 3. Build an ecosystem for SAP with Indian B2B SaaS startups to build on SAP 4. Enable Indian Indian B2B SaaS startups to grow their footprint globally with joint GTM along with SAP for 500,000+ SAP customers.


Lowlights 1. SAP, traditionally seen as an enterprise solution relevant to large enterprises 2. Larger scaleups are unable to spot the innovation by SAP on its core product and other cloud solutions. 3. Sales discussions still center around price and not scalability and innovation. Highlights 1. SAP has been innovating at a breakneck speed to become the solution of choice for startups. 2. SAP has expanded its footprint to over 80 scaleups of various sizes in the last two years to adopt SAP solutions. 3. 62 B2B SaaS Startups have been incubated and accelerated by SAP Startup Studio in 6 years 4. $150 million facilitated by SAP Startup Studio 5. 6 startups that went public adopted SAP before doing so.


SAP undertook the arduous task of building an ecosystem comprising B2B SaaS startups, larger scaleups, and enterprises. The core to this was the thriving B2B SaaS startup ecosystem and solutions around SAP.


"SAP Startup Social was an eye opener for us really understand how innovation is at the core of SAP and how Indian B2B SaaS startups have leveraged SAP's core to build unique solutions that cater to specific industries and segments. My heartiest wishes to SAP, and looking forward to SAP Startup Social in 2024" Founder of a D2C Unicorn based in Bangalore



KPIs for SAP Startup Social Business Pipeline generated for SAP with Unicorns and Soonicorns Startups that show interest to be incubated by SAP Startup Studio Investment raised from SAP Startup Social SAP Startup Social Impact 280 Entrepreneurs 138 Student Entrepreneurs 34 Speakers from Unicorns, Soonicorns and Minicorns 20 Investors $10 million worth of investment discussions initiated $1 million worth of business pipeline created with unicorns for SAP solutions
