Data and Analytics creating HUGE

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Case Study


We delivered a Netflix like experience for B2B decision makers that led to binge-worthy sessions directly contributing to business outcomes while keeping the customer at the heart of it. This program influences the entire Marketing & Sales funnel – from awareness to decision and has set the foundation for the organization to deliver an end-to-end digital "visit to order" experience in the near future with extensive data and analytics powering this engine of hyperpersonalised


Tata Communications operates in a complex environment serving different types of customers in different markets across the world. The value that our customers/prospects see in our solutions changes basis their business needs and operating environment. We also have a different right to play and right to win in each market. With the pandemic changing the way that organizations and sales interactions happened, digital channel again took the front seat as being the main touch point for the user across the purchase funnel. Realizing this huge potential that digital as a channel has, our business set a target to drive 50% revenue in the overall targets though digital marketing. We made a complete analysis of the user behavior on our website through Google Analytics, 6sense identified the kind of opportunities that came to us through the website and the needs that each of our solutions serve to different customer segments. This made us realize that each of the user on our website is behaving according to a particular segment and exploring the webpages in accordance with the characteristics of that segment. Hence, the idea to innovate a unique personalized user experience became our use case.


With the pandemic paving way for the new normal, with offline face-to-face sales meetings becoming difficult and digital becoming the new touchpoint for customers across the entire customer journey, Tata Communications realized the need to give a personalized user experience digitally. Being a B2B organization with a myriad of different solutions solving the needs of different industries differently in every region for every customer, the business recognized the potential of the digital user journey and set a target of driving 50% of the total revenue through it. This presented us with the opportunity to introduce personalization on our website in ways that would not only make the user feel that his/her entire experience is unique for him but would also make it possible for us to influence the funnel for the user according to his stage in the journey with targeted contextual messaging. Hence, the strategy of hyper-personalization on the website and web chat was implemented. Learning that how complex the user behavior is digitally and the huge amount of data that gets collected at different platform, we realized the need to introduce a seamlessly connected integration of our internal and external platforms


Step 1: Identifying the user: The first and most important step in our strategy was identifying the user in terms of its persona, organization, behavior on the website and across the web. This was achieved through 6sense and Demandbase integrations. This provided us the complete details of the user profile which will be the foundation of personalizing his/her journey on the website. Step 2: Segment and positioning for the segments: Once the users were identified, we segmented them at four levels: region, industry, account, contact. This paved way to Identify the visitors and engage them basis insights to drive more conversions in line with business requirements Step 3: Creating the personalization experience on the website/webpages and on web chat: Website Personalization: The user behavior data from Clearbit and Demandbase was integrated through custom APIs with VWO which fired a personalized experience mapping each user to a custom-made segment. With Demandbase, we were also to track the behavior of the user on other websites across the web and present the content and assets on our website in a more targeted personalized manner. Web Chat (DRIFT): To achieve contact level personalization and personalization for known visitors visiting our website, we implemented the website chatbot (DRIFT). DRIFT delivered an assisted journey through chat hyper-personalized for each user through contextual messaging. It worked in pulling known visitors into the website through its integration with Marketo and pushing new visitors/intent to perform an action into Marketo. Every time a known user visits the website, DRIFT addresses the user personally (with his name) for 1:1 personalization, fires a playbook according to the segment the user is identified to (using Demandbase and Clearbit). These leads are then sent to Marketo or the tele calling team for remarketing or sales lead qualification.


For future, our strategies are aligned to achieve the following: • Predictive Automated Targeting: Enable Machine Learning and Predictive Algorithms and Predictive cross/up sell models based on look-alike audiences and past behavior • Omni-Channel Profile o Integrate Data from SFDC, Marketo, Chat and complete 360-degree profile for the visitor o Combine Anonymous and Known Customer Data o Establish Master Marketing Profile and targets based on all available data points • Omni-Channel Personalization o Enable personalization on multiple channels – web, email, digital ads, chat o Orchestrate Across Channels and Devices to deliver a unified consistent message across all touch points • Prescriptive Personalization o Automated Segment Identification o Dynamic Experience Generation o Customized offers based on our propensity models



Improvement in Engagement Metrics (Source - Google Analytics): o 200% lift in the amount of time spent on our website -> Visitors who saw personalized experiences stayed on the website for 3 mins on an average 65% lift in the return visit rate to the website • Improvement in Conversion Metrics (Source - Google Analytics): o Overall Goal Conversion rate on the website for personalized sessions was 3.39% when compared to 1.61% which led to 33% more qualified leads from the website when compared to last FY. o 24% of visitors returned to the website when they had a conversation with chatbot o We have captured 50% increased leads, and last year alone almost 20% of all digital leads have come through chat. o Our quality of leads has also improved since we took a conversational approach. Increasing our lead to customer ratio by almost 35% • Actual impact to Business (Source - Salesforce): o We have generated 33 million USD worth of opportunities (+270% y-o-y) and our average deal size has gone up to $107k (+167% y-o-y)


Tata Communications Limited, schbang digital, DATA-DRIVEN TECHNOLOGY, 2023, ECHO