Amazon PrimeRolls

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Case Study


How AI brought A.In's 5000 products fame In a stroke of genius, we transformed Amazon Prime's 5000+ products into a vibrant spectacle. By unraveling the secrets of user searches, we shot one video per category, then sprinkled AI magic to create an entire treasure of ads without breaking a sweat. But here's the kicker – we didn't just stop there! We swung into action on YouTube Pre-rolls, strategically placing our videos based on what Indians


Our challenge was to showcase the versatility of Amazon's offerings, but we had to do it in a way that becomes hard to miss by the audience. We had to ensure that we spoke to our audience at the right place, at the right time with just the right hook. Our objectives were clear. Drive awareness about how Amazon is the consummate provider for all consumer needs. Drive consumer purchases whilst communicating Prime membership benefits. The biggest challenge for this campaign on Amazon, while also communicating the benefit of Prime Membership, was to drive purchases. A task which sounds simple: but the sheer volume created a risk of it being messaging which could have been lost in the ocean of information an individual is exposed to on a daily basis. Combating this marketing need to communicate multiple product categories with the high volume of videos specific to each category/use case proved to be the catalyst in developing this data strategy. This helped us to convert India's most visited video platform - YouTube - into an ad display window for 5000+ products, offering each product its own moments of fame, set up in a relevant context: all this thanks to A.I.


In the bustling chaos of Indian desires, Amazon Prime stands tall, promising to deliver everything imaginable 40 Lakh+ products to be precise. However, the challenge lies in communicating this vastness under the Prime umbrella. Enter consumer data, the unsung hero revealing the true desires of the Indian heart – the highest searched products. Now crafting individual ads for each product & finding an ad space for each seemed like an impossible mission. But we got close. We delved into Amazon's treasure trove of data & sales reports to unearth the goldmine of "most searched products", which came to 5000+. Now, this goldmine was our focus. This led us to our insight: the higher the search volume for a particular keyword/s greater the relevance & need of that category product among the Indian audience For eg: High search volume of kitchen equipment reflects high culinary interest of Indians. By marrying these keywords with the past YouTube searches done by Indians on the platform we were able to park ads right next to the interest alley of those individuals; courtesy of contextual pre-rolls. We leveraged AI to create video ads for each of these 5000+ products without skyrocketing the client budgets.


With our objective clear, our vision was simple yet audacious - to transform the overwhelming Amazon inventory of 5000+ products into personalized paradise for Indian customers. We leveraged the trifecta of Artificial intelligence, data insights, & YouTube Pre Rolls magic. How? Recognizing YouTube communications the lion's share of India's online video consumption, with a staggering 88% of time spent on the platform, we seized a strategic opportunity. Indians, on average, dedicate over 4 hours per day (29.2 hours per week) to YouTube, making it a virtual haven for diverse content consumption. Our "aha moment" crystallized when we realized YouTube's multifaceted role, not just as a source of leisure but as a repository for tutorials, DIY guides, product reviews, & how-to videos—a guidebook for daily pursuits. Hence, we turned YouTube pre-rolls into unique ad windows showcasing different products available on Amazon. Moreover, each ad was dynamically displayed in relevance to a user's search, ensuring a personalized & engaging experience. & NOW the rather daunting challenge of creating 5,000+ distinct ads. Did we create each one of them? Yes & no! We made a key decision & turned to wizardy of Artificial Intelligence. The magic began when we spent just one day on shooting, shot one video per category, & let AI magic takeover. By entrusting AI to seamlessly replace keywords in the shoot video, we transformed a sprout 26 videos into a thriving tree of 5000+ unique ads. The value of deploying AI extended beyond time efficiency; it significantly reduced the cost of video creation to under INR 14 lacs, with media spends totaling less than INR 50 lacs for the expansive catalog of 5000+ videos. In essence, the incorporation of AI not only streamlined the production process but also added tangible value to our campaign


The success of this campaign reinforced 3 things: - Firstly, search volumes & keywords give precise insights into what the audience's current interests are. By aligning the campaign with these high-interest categories, we achieved a level of precision that resonated with the audience's desires, significantly boosting engagement. - Secondly, audiences don't hate all ads, but only the ones that smother them with information that doesn't align with their needs. - The campaign's success not only resulted in exceptional performance metrics & business growth but also introduced the br& to the vast potential of AI-based innovations encouraging Amazon to explore & leverage in their future marketing endeavours instead of just resorting to traditional content creation methods.



The campaign was any marketer's holy grail: achieving over-the-top results while deploying lesser budgets, all by leveraging the efficiency of artificial intelligence. AI played a pivotal role in transforming the way we approached content creation. Cost Per Click - 55% less than anticipated planned indicating effective & optimised utilisation of budgets View Through Rate - The campaign delivered an impressive VTR of 81%, 70% higher than average results on YouTube, indicating a higher level of engagement among the target audience. Click Through Rate - The campaign garnered an CTR of 0.66% 120% higher than planned CTR, showcasing the campaign's ability to drive traffic & capture viewers' interest effectively. Click Sessions - 15% more compared to different set of YT ads that were run by the brand for the same campaign indicating contextualised ads lead users to path.


Amazon India, Blink Digital India Pvt Ltd, EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES, 2023, ECHO