AI-ML Recommender Model

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Case Study


AI-Recommender Model - Target the Right Audience


Objective: To use an AI/ML recommender model effectively to churn the crème-de-la-crème from our fanbase.and to decrease CPL.


With a brand like M&M where the CRM data base is huge, it becomes very important to target the right audience. By engaging The AI/ML Recommender model we began to recognize our core fans – Customers with a higher propensity for purchase. Targeting these fans would allow us to approach such customers and prospects for hyper personalisation and targeted marketing.


From a strategic perspective, we arrived at an optimised solution that gave us a churn of the cream fanbase. By engaging The AI/ML Recommender model we began to recognize our core fans – Customers with a higher propensity for purchase. Targeting these fans would allow us to approach such customers and prospects for hyper personalisation and targeted marketing.


The model was not just a one-off, campaign-specific solution. It paved the way for the future so we could outline more specific and target campaigns – Delivering economies of scale and significantly raising effectiveness through a pragmatic, demonstrated use of AI/ML.



 Thanks to the model, there was a significant drop of a whopping 43% in Cost Per Lead  As compared to the average industry benchmark, we were witnessing a 2.5 X higher engagement ratio  Potential business of 137 crore was generated


Mahindra & Mahindra, Hansa Customer Equity Pvt.Ltd, DATA-INSPIRED INSIGHT, 2023, ECHO