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Case Study


Tata Communications propels into the realm of powering hyperconnected ecosystems through a website redesign. Our strategic communication overhaul aims to reshape visitor perceptions, positioning us as expert solution designers. The revamped design bore fruits by not only improving the on-site user experience but also fulfilled the objectives set out at the beginning. It encapsulates the brand as a Hyperconnected Ecosystems provider and helps users explore the offering further.


Initially, our brand was primarily perceived as offering standalone services for partners, with limited awareness about our capability to build comprehensive ecosystems. The challenge at hand was to shift from a communication strategy centred around individual services to presenting Tata Communications as a holistic solution provider.


Navigating the marketing challenge and seizing the business opportunity for Tata Communications involves a captivating transformation in our digital identity. Shifting from a conventional network provider to a Hyper-Connected Ecosystem enabler forms the heart of this strategic move. Effectively communicating this evolution, emphasising our dedication to innovation and connectivity, and resonating with our target audience constitute the objective at hand. Simultaneously, it opens a compelling business opportunity to establish our brand as a premier solution for businesses seeking unparalleled connectivity solutions. This strategic pivot had to situate Tata Communications at the forefront of the evolving digital era, presenting a distinctive value proposition that aligns seamlessly with the demands of contemporary businesses. Leveraging this opportunity aimed to propel us to new heights, setting the stage for enhanced market visibility and sustained growth.


We strategically executed a comprehensive series of initiatives aimed at enhancing user experience and strengthening our brand narrative. Central to our efforts was the comprehensive redesign of our homepage, a deliberate move beyond mere aesthetics toward capability-led messaging. The Information Architecture of the homepage also underwent meticulous scrutiny to align with the new brand positioning, emphasizing our focus on hyperconnected ecosystems. A pivotal element of our strategic narrative was positioning Tata Communications as a hyperconnected ecosystem enabler. This involved the creation of a dedicated HyperConnected Ecosystem (HCE) section on the homepage, strategically placed within the prominent golden scroll. This section, enriched with data-led insights, effectively communicated our dedication to fostering hyperconnected ecosystems. Simultaneously, we prioritised improvements in overall website navigation. The outcome was a significant uptick in users seamlessly transitioning from the homepage to inner pages, fostering enhanced accessibility to our diverse content. Complementing this effort, we invested in a comprehensive revamp of UI/UX designs for critical pages such as the HCE hub and Solutions pages. This overhaul aimed to provide users with a seamless, engaging, and visually pleasing experience as they explored these crucial facets of our website. Acknowledging the demand for dynamic and interactive content, we introduced Web AMP stories. This innovative approach allowed us to present information in highly digestible, bite-sized formats, catering to the preferences of modern users seeking engaging and easily consumable content. In conclusion, these design decisions collectively emphasize our unwavering commitment to excellence in B2B website design. They serve to reinforce Tata Communications' standing as a leader in facilitating hyperconnected ecosystems, offering a user-centric, visually appealing, and strategically positioned online presence that aligns seamlessly with the evolving demands of the digital landscape.


Our focus of the revamp was to increase discoverability of the Hyperconnected Ecosystem and improve the user experience. To analyse the performance of the website to achieve the objectives, we set the following metrics as our KPIs: Visits from Homepage to innerpages: This attests to the redesigned site's capacity to captivate and guide users through an enriched and seamlessly navigable experience. %age of users visiting the HCE through the Homepage: This emphasises a strategic information architecture, positioning the homepage as an effective launchpad for users to delve into critical Hyper-Connected Ecosystem content. Engagement Rate for Testimonials: The redesign aims strategically bolsters the brand's credibility, leveraging firsthand customer accounts to positively influence potential clients. Avg. Session Duration: This suggests improvements in content visibility, accessibility, and overall user experience, contributing to a more immersive online journey. Overall Homepage Engagement Rate: The design decisions have effectively encouraged users to actively participate, deepening their connection with the brand. Exits & Bounce Rate on homepage: These improvements affirm the website's prowess as a powerful tool in the B2B domain, with impacts extending beyond quantitative metrics to qualitatively enhance the overall user experience. Measurement: The above KPIs were tracked through Goals & Events setup on GA4. Our team has ensured that we are able to track every interaction and click on the website. This enables us to build and analyse journeys to the minutest of levels, allowing for further analysis and improvement


Tata Communications' website redesign epitomizes a forward-thinking design approach, meticulously crafted to meet the distinctive needs of the telecommunications industry. Futuristic designs were seamlessly integrated, not merely for aesthetic appeal but to symbolize the company's commitment to innovation and technological leadership. A cleaner UI was strategically adopted, simplifying navigation and decluttering the interface to enhance user experience. This design decision aimed to reflect Tata Communications' position as a leading provider of cutting-edge solutions, ensuring that visitors could easily access and comprehend the diverse range of services offered. Better contrast was employed to improve readability and visual engagement, particularly crucial in a complex industry like telecommunications. The pursuit of a seamless experience underscored the interconnected nature of Tata Communications' services, guiding users through a cohesive narrative and reinforcing the company's commitment to providing integrated solutions. Engaging interactions played a pivotal role, evident in the significant increase in CTR for Testimonials. These interactive elements not only captivated visitors but also built trust and influenced potential clients, showcasing the effectiveness of user-focused design decisions. Every aspect of the redesign prioritised user-centric designs, tailoring the website to meet the specific needs and expectations of the telecommunications industry's diverse audience. Crucially, each design decision was informed by data-backed insights, as reflected in the substantial improvements in key metrics such as CTR, Engagement Rate, and bounce rate. Tata Communications' website redesign stands as a testament to a purposeful, industry-tailored design thinking approach, seamlessly blending aesthetics with functionality to deliver a technologically advanced and user-centric online experience.


Tata Communications' meticulous overhaul of its website has yielded remarkable outcomes, showcasing a profound enhancement in user engagement and satisfaction. An in-depth examination of pivotal performance metrics underscores the discerning design decisions that have propelled the site's success. A noteworthy 25% increase in Click-Through Rate (CTR) observed from the Homepage to inner pages. The data highlights the substantial success of our strategic initiatives, this surge signifies a more engaged audience, demonstrating the effectiveness of our enhanced user experience and refined brand narrative in capturing and retaining visitor interest. Furthermore, the Hyper-Connected Ecosystem (HCE) pages witnessed significant traction, with 45% of total visitors accessing these crucial sections directly from the Homepage. This underscores the strategic placement of the HCE section within the golden scroll, attracting a substantial portion of our audience and validating the success of our approach in positioning Tata Communications as a hyperconnected ecosystem enabler. The impact of our revamped design and messaging is further substantiated by the remarkable 383% increase in CTR for Testimonials. The 8.14% increase in Avg. Session Duration signifies the website's enhanced stickiness, with users spending more time exploring content. The 5.05% boost in Engagement Rate underscores the website's ability to foster user interaction, be it through interactive elements, compelling calls to action, or personalized content. The 4.5% reduction in exits from traffic visiting on the homepage and the significant 11.86% decrease in bounce rate collectively highlight the redesigned site's success in retaining and engaging visitors. Source - Google Analytics


Tata Communications Limited, Schbang Digital Solutions, Website UI/UX Design, 2023, Sparkies