Lamination wala box

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Case Study


The audience received the product with a clear messaging "This box protects your deliveries but to protect your house from sun, rain and dust you will need Ultima Protek. #LaminationWalaExteriorPaint. We did not just delivered our message but also engaged the user by inviting them to paint their dream home on the box itself. Their dream home was shareable on social media platforms and few lucky winners even stand a chance to get their house


Asian Paints is the leader in paint and décor category in India. With its premium exterior range, brand wanted to embedded Ultima Protek as the Lamination Wala Paint and that this paint protects your home from Rain, Sun and Dust


Today's consumer is more involvement in the painting process and is clearly looking for products offering unique solutions. They are more evolved, modern and look for long lasting products. These people are the ones who want to be recognized by their home and take pride in it. We wanted to break the cycle of repainting the house post-monsoon to recover the damage from rains, the phase of our launch was perfect for this. We were targeting the household owners' before the downpour season to bring about a shift in this attitude. Asian Paints Ultima Protek, a well-established exterior paint, was undergoing a major upgrade. The Brand proposition was moving from just "Protection from Rains" to "All Weather Protection".


Packaging can be theatre, it can create a story – These great words by Steve Jobs helped us design our strategy for our innovative personal marketing. While Asian Paints always has followed strong packaging and clear addressing. It was also time to take our messaging to a larger audience. Hence we took over the biggest Ecommerce giant - . Our approach was simple, we delivered our communication door to door. Giving our audience a personalised approach we redesigned the amazon packages delivered into their homes. For the first time in country any brand has taken over the packaging of a e commerce protal The audience received the product with a clear messaging "This box protects your deliveries but to protect your house from sun, rain and dust you will need Ultima Protek. #LaminationWalaExteriorPaint. We did not just delivered our message but also engaged the user by inviting them to paint their dream home on the box itself. Their dream home was shareable on social media platforms and few lucky winners even stand a chance to get their house laminated by Asian Paints Ultima Protek. We delivered few boxes to local influencers in target market to entice the audience. The influencers did an unboxing video and hosted on their social media handles. A collaboration true to its nature which not only helped Asian Paints as a brand but also enticed audience to order from the Ecommerce giant





Reached 2 lakh consumers with our communication recieved 50k plus entries for UGC garnered organic media coverages with the initiative. Most importantly we changed the communication route towards consumers and embedded brand proposition into their daily life style rather than a media intervention


Asian Paints, Madison Media, DIRECT MAIL, 2023, ECHO