Drive Of Fortune - The Text And Drive Challenge

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Case Study


The Drive Of Fortune - Text and Drive Challenge was an interesting way to engage with the audience while propagating the message of driving safe.


People are generally averse to preachy communication and don't want to listen to brands telling them to drive safe. Kotak General Insurance wanted to find an interesting way to break through the clutter and drive the message home and use a format that engages the audience.


India has one of the worst road safety records in the world, with many accidents and fatalities. Even the Govt called for private institutional involvement to raise awareness among the people.


The drive of fortune challenge was primarily an unbranded game. The user had to drive the car safely using the steering wheel and answer three questions while driving the car. Every question answered correctly increased the prize money 10 times. Just one catch. Don't meet with an accident! As the game began, the first question appeared. The user had to move his cursor and click on the correct answer. As he takes the cursor away from the steering wheel the car sways slightly. But not by much, so he can quickly get it back on track. The same repeats for the second question. As the user is lulled into complacency, the third question pops up. But this time as he takes his cursor away to answer, the car loses complete control and crashes. The scene transforms showing the deadly consequences of texting while driving; and that there is no reward greater than one's own life.


The game was promoted as interactive banners as well as through in-app ads to reach out to more people.



The game had 280,000+ visitors, 175,000+ gameplays, and 25,000+ shares.


Kotak General Insurance, ibs fulcro, MOBILE, 2023, ECHO