On-the-Go Impact: Cofsils Reaches Mobile Users Seeking Cold & Flu Relief

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Case Study


Opting for a mobile-centric strategy, we aimed to capture attention and leave a lasting impression on our audience while they were on the move. Partnering with a mobile engagement platform, Cofsils ensured its presence on the devices of individuals searching for cold and flu remedies. Thus this strategic move helped to position Cofsils directly in front of users seeking solutions for their cold and flu concerns, enhancing brand visibility and recall among the target audience.


The core objective for Cofsils was to cultivate widespread awareness and indirectly foster mental availability for the product. The aim was to cut through the clutter of the market dominated by established brands and ensure that Cofsils was not just seen but also remembered by consumers seeking reliable solutions for sore throat. The brand encountered a dual challenge of low SPONT and consideration within a market dominated by major players like Vicks and Strepsils. Also, the rapid spread of Covid-19 elevated consciousness surrounding respiratory hygiene creating a cluttered market environment for advertisers, while Cofsils struggled to secure a significant space in consumers' minds. The pivotal challenge extended beyond visibility; it was about transforming consumer perception and elevating Cofsils as a credible, go-to solution for cough and sore throat amidst the pandemic landscape.


Amidst the global surge in Covid-19, personal hygiene conversations, especially respiratory care, spiked by 6X. Home remedies for cold gained favor, making OTC products like Cofsils, owned by Cipla Health Ltd, pivotal. Competing against industry giants Strepsils and Vicks, the challenge was twofold: create a breakthrough presence and drive consumer consideration. The pandemic catalyzed a shift towards prioritizing health, boosting demand for cough remedies. Cofsils, with its proven efficacy and unique formulation, entered this arena. To tackle this, the goal was clear—establish Cofsils as the premier choice in respiratory hygiene amid the pandemic's evolving consumer landscape. Through these initiatives, Cofsils aimed to carve a distinct niche, becoming the trusted solution in the challenging environment shaped by the pandemic's influence.


For getting noticed in the cluttered market, we wanted to choose a medium which can create an impact. With every individual spending average 4.9 hrs per day on his/ her phone and mobile being the go-to hub for quick info, we had our medium there. Using mobile to reach our audience! Our campaign strategy was divided in 3 major steps Step 1: Identification of High-Impact Areas The initial phase involved sourcing information from platforms like AccuWeather to pinpoint regions characterized by colder temperatures and higher pollution levels. These areas posed an increased risk of impacting individuals with cold and cough issues. Step 2: Development of a Data-Driven Model A robust mathematical model was constructed leveraging correlations between cold and flu search patterns and various weather-related parameters. Employing the potency of machine learning, decision trees were fine-tuned to ensure accurate predictions, refining the model's efficacy. Step 3: Mobile Integration for Real-Time Insights A strategic partnership with mCanvas facilitated the creation of a real-time weather API. This API dynamically showcased live weather updates to individuals engaged in reading news or sports-related content. By integrating weather insights seamlessly into their digital experiences, this approach aimed to deliver pertinent information to users, along with showcasing the benefits of Cofsils to keep away the weather woes. A purpose driven call to action was used on the banners to divert people to e-pharmacies where they can purchase directly.


Leveraging mobile marketing for Cofsils targeted the 25-44 age group, encompassing various adult demographics. This approach tapped into the ubiquitous nature of mobile usage within this cohort. As adults habitually engage with their phones while on-the-go, at work, or at home, our strategy centered on intercepting these moments. By utilizing mobile platforms, especially during content consumption, we positioned Cofsils through our weather API. This allowed us to effectively communicate the message of swift sore throat relief, ensuring that our brand was consistently in front of our audience during their everyday interactions with their mobile devices.



The campaign surpassed initial expectations, garnering an impressive total of 1.63 million impressions, doubling the intended target. Engagement numbers exceeded projections as well, with over 60,000 interactions, again doubling the anticipated engagement rate. Within a brief span of 3 weeks, the campaign successfully reached 500,000 unique audiences, effectively extending its reach and impact. Notably, the engagement rate soared to approximately 4%, significantly surpassing industry benchmarks by threefold. Users exhibited sustained interest, spending an average of 10 seconds or more on the creative content, indicating strong user engagement and resonance with the campaign's messaging. The campaign's impact extended beyond mere engagement metrics, manifesting in a substantial increase in website traffic. The E-commerce platform witnessed a remarkable surge, recording over a 5x increase in traffic compared to non-campaign periods. This surge underscores a tangible rise in consideration among the audience, translating the campaign's success into heightened interest and action towards the product.


Cipla Health Ltd., Madison Media, MOBILE, 2023, ECHO