Quitting is Winning with Nicotex

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Case Study


Quitting is Winning with Nicotex: Our campaign was a powerful initiative by Nicotex to empower individuals of all ages struggling with smoking as a coping mechanism. The achieved reach surpassed the planned target, reaching a larger portion of the intended audience. The VTR exceeded the planned target by 6%, indicating high viewer engagement with the video ads. The achieved CTR significantly surpassed the planned target, demonstrating healthy engagement in a precise targeting campaign.


The campaign aimed to empower individuals of all ages who turned to smoking as a coping mechanism, including party-goers, stressed employees, or anyone seeking an escape. Nicotex aimed to guide anyone holding a cigarette with the intention to quit, emphasizing that quitting was possible at any stage in life. The overarching objective was to generate awareness about Nicotex and position it as the supportive partner on the challenging journey of quitting smoking, helping individuals overcome hurdles presented by peers and fostering a sense of companionship and empowerment. Additionally, the campaign aimed to address Nicotex's broader challenge of bridging the awareness-to-trial gap. This approach resonated with the identified target audience, motivating them to consider Nicotex as a valuable resource in their efforts to quit smoking.


Nicotex, the market leader in the smoking cessation category, always struggled to retain users in terms of repeat purchases. After researching and surveying users we found it was totally because of lack of awareness of the technique/methodology in which the product is supposed to consume. Users were not simply aware of "12-week Nicotine Replacement therapy" and "How to Use" part. Also finding a smoker on digital with a limited digital footprint was always a challenge faced by the brand.


Nicotex employed a combination of innovative strategies to achieve its campaign objectives. These strategies were designed to empower individuals to quit smoking and differentiate Nicotex from the competition: 1. Behavioral Targeting: Strategy: Nicotex used data analytics to identify individuals who had smoking-related apps downloaded on their phones. These users were shown tailored non-skippable video ads on YouTube. Uniqueness: This strategy ensured that Nicotex's messages were delivered specifically to individuals actively engaged with smoking-related content, increasing the relevancy of the campaign. 2. Personalized Chatbot Interaction: Strategy: Nicotex introduced a personalized chatbot on its website, allowing users to engage in interactive conversations to assess their smoking habits and receive tailored recommendations. Uniqueness: The chatbot provided users with personalized guidance, making the quitting process more approachable and accessible. This interactive approach set Nicotex apart from static information-based campaigns. 3. Cultivating a Supportive Online Community: Strategy: Nicotex nurtured an online community where individuals from diverse backgrounds could share experiences, provide support, and participate in events and discussions. Uniqueness Differentiating Nicotex from Competition: Nicotex's campaign stood out from the competition in several ways: Data-Driven Precision: Nicotex leveraged behavioral targeting and data analytics to identify and engage individuals actively seeking smoking-related content, ensuring maximum relevance and impact. Interactive Chatbot: The personalized Nicotex Chatbot provided users with customized guidance and support, offering a unique, interactive experience compared to static information campaigns. Non-Skippable Video Ads: The use of 20-second non-skippable video ads captured viewers' attention effectively, delivering concise yet emotionally resonant messages. The "Learn More" CTA directed users to the website, encouraging them to interact with Nicotex's resources, setting a clear path toward quitting smoking. Overall, Nicotex's campaign combined innovative strategies with personalized, data-driven approaches, setting it apart from traditional smoking cessation campaigns and reinforcing its position as a supportive partner on the journey to quit smoking.


1. High Engagement and Interaction: Impact: The personalized chatbot interaction, clear CTAs, and engaging content led to a substantial increase in user engagement and interaction with the campaign. Measurement: This impact was reflected in metrics such as click-through rates (CTR), view-through rates (VTR), and engagement rates on the chatbot. Result: The higher engagement rates demonstrated that users actively engaged with the campaign, indicating a higher likelihood of considering Nicotex as a resource for quitting smoking. 2. Increased Brand Awareness: Impact: The 7.5 million views and 67% of website traffic originating from the campaign contributed to increased brand awareness. Measurement: The reach achieved in the campaign and the high VTR for video ads indicated that a significant portion of the target audience was exposed to Nicotex's message. Result: The increased brand awareness positioned Nicotex as a prominent player in the smoking cessation space, helping individuals recognize Nicotex as a supportive partner in their journey to quit smoking. These results collectively reinforced Nicotex's position as a supportive partner for individuals looking to quit smoking and contributed to improved health and well-being for those who embarked on their quitting journey with Nicotex's guidance and resources.



Here's a breakdown of the planned Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and how they compared to the achieved metrics for Nicotex's digital campaign: Planned KPIs: Reach: Planned: Reach 11% of the target audience. Achieved: The achieved reach was 12.2%. View-Through Rate (VTR): Planned: Achieve a VTR of 75% for the video ads. Achieved: The achieved VTR was 81%. Click-Through Rate (CTR): Planned: CTR of 0.1% for the video campaign. Achieved: The achieved CTR was 1.3%. Additional Metrics: Users: Achieved: The campaign attracted a total of 106,607 users. Sessions: Achieved: There were a total of 177,572 sessions on the campaign website. Website Traffic Origin: Achieved: 67% of the website traffic originated from our campaign. Average Session Duration: Achieved: The average session duration was 44.5 seconds. These results showcase the campaign's success in achieving and often surpassing its planned KPIs and performance metrics. The high reach, VTR, and CTR, along with substantial user engagement and website traffic, reflect the effectiveness of the campaign in reaching and resonating with the target audience. This success ultimately empowered individuals to take control of their smoking habits and improve their health and well-being.


Cipla Health Ltd, Madison Media, MOBILE, 2023, ECHO