Celebrating Maybelline Lash Day with Innovative Engagement

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Case Study



To achieve our goal, we devised a strategic approach that not only showcased the diverse range of Arun Ice Creams but also tapped into the emotions tied to the experience. The creation of a "Flick & Toss" game was the cornerstone of our strategy, aiming to engage users in a playful activity while subtly encouraging them to associate positive emotions with the different ice cream variants.To achieve our goal, we devised a strategic approach that capitalized on Maybelline Lash Day, leveraging a creative and engaging solution. The creation of a "Flick & Toss" game was the centerpiece of our strategy, designed to immerse users in a playful activity that not only showcased the mascara range but also encouraged participation and association with the brand.


Our primary objective was to spotlight the Maybelline Mascara Range through the innovative Maybelline Lash Day, aiming to not only raise awareness but also to promote a special offer on the product.


: In the interactive game, users were prompted to flick and toss different mascaras towards a virtual setting, contributing to the festive Maybelline Lash Day atmosphere. This interactive experience not only entertained users but also subconsciously acquainted them with the mascara range. The game aimed to evoke positive emotions associated with the product and subtly guide users towards their preferred choice.


By aligning our campaign with Maybelline Lash Day, we successfully achieved our objective of highlighting the Maybelline Mascara Range and promoting a special offer. The strategic fusion of creativity, engagement, and product visibility translated into impressive metrics, reinforcing Maybelline's positive association with beauty enthusiasts and setting a benchmark for innovative marketing in the cosmetics industry.



The campaign delivered impressive results: • 11 million impressions, showcasing the widespread reach of the Maybelline Lash Day campaign. • A substantial 13.2% engagement rate, indicating high user interaction and interest. • A click-through rate (CTR) of 1.26%, reflecting the effectiveness of the interactive game in driving user actions. • An average dwell time of 23 seconds, highlighting the extended engagement and enjoyment of the interactive content. Recognition: The campaign not only met but exceeded our expectations, gaining recognition within the industry for its innovative approach to brand promotion. The successful combination of Maybelline Lash Day, a creative engagement strategy, and the promotion of the mascara range contributed to a memorable and impactful marketing initiative.


Anymind (POKKT), Anymind POKKT, MOBILE, 2023, ECHO