Angel One's Shagun Ke Shares Campaign

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Case Study


#ShagunKeShares: Investments ki Smart Shuruaat Angel One's 'Shagun Ke Shares' campaign brilliantly transformed Diwali into a celebration of financial empowerment with Muhurat Trading as a new tradition for smart investors. Leveraging social media and influencers, the campaign saw a surge in transactions during the event, with a significant participation of first-time investors. This innovative approach not only boosted revenue but also kindled enthusiasm for smart investing.


The primary goal of the Shagun Ke Shares (Shares of Good Omen) Campaign was to encourage Millennials and Gen Z to open a Demat account with Angel One by associating the festival of Diwali with a new annual investing ritual. Key objectives included increasing brand awareness, driving user engagement, generating leads, and boosting revenue during Muhurat Trading, an annual event conducted on the evening of Diwali. The campaign strategically focused on Diwali, leveraging its cultural significance to establish a new tradition around Muhurat Trading. Challenges included crafting a narrative to resonate with the target audience and generating revenue during Muhurat Trading. The campaign addressed these challenges by creating a sense of urgency, emphasising the exclusivity of Muhurat Trading, and employing a multi-faceted approach across social media, influencers, and traditional advertising. The impact was significant, with increased brand visibility, engagement metrics, and a substantial rise in revenue during Muhurat Trading. The campaign successfully transformed Muhurat Trading into an inclusive, widely embraced tradition, establishing Angel One as a trusted guide in investments.


The data collected from our Shagun Ke Shares (Shares of Good Omen) Campaign serves as a crucial guide, showing how our marketing efforts impacted both internal and external aspects of our business. Internally, it helped us assess the success of our strategies, measure engagement, and understand customer behaviour. Externally, it showcased the resonance of our campaign with our audience, reflected in increased revenue, new investor participation, and reactivation of dormant accounts. This data-driven approach also reveals specific campaign metrics such as a 450% increase on Instagram engagement and an 18% boost on Twitter engagement that highlights the campaign's success. During the Muhurat Trading hour, there was a substantial 251% increase in revenue, highlighting the financial impact of our strategies. Notably, the campaign resulted in an 843% rise in reactivated dormant accounts, showcasing our approach's effectiveness in attracting new investors and reigniting interest among existing users. These tangible results prove the significance of the role this data strategy plays in fostering customer engagement and participation and thereby driving our organisational goals for growth and market leadership.


The Shagun Ke Shares (Shares of Good Omen) Campaign aimed to revolutionise festive marketing by creating a new tradition around Muhurat Trading during Diwali. Our vision was to associate this unique investment opportunity with the festive spirit, making it an annual ritual for the younger generation. Key decisions included leveraging social media platforms for maximum reach and engagement. We utilised Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and influencers from diverse fields to resonate with our target audience of Millennials and Gen Z. The 'ah-ha' moment was realising the potential of Muhurat Trading as a widely embraced tradition, not just for seasoned investors but also for first-timers. Unexpected challenges included the need to create urgency around a relatively unknown event. Our solution was a strategic approach, emphasising the exclusivity of Muhurat Trading and tying it to the festive season. Addressability issues were handled through careful data-driven strategies, respecting user preferences. The methodology involved a teaser phase, launching engaging visual content and encouraging user-generated content. The campaign strategically began well ahead of the festive season leading up to the evening of Diwali. Partnerships with influencers and finance experts added credibility and extended our campaign's reach. The concept of 'New Annual Trading Ritual' gained immense traction, reflected in a 103% surge in transaction volumes during Muhurat Trading. First-time investors rushed to open Demat accounts, showcasing the success of our approach. Our approach centred on creating a meaningful tradition, leveraging social media, influencers, and strategic partnerships. The campaign's success lies in its ability to resonate with the audience, creating awareness and a lasting impact on the investment landscape during the festive season.


Our data strategy is ingrained in our business operations to enhance customer engagement and drive sustainable growth. From this campaign, we leveraged the analytics tools on the social media platforms to extract valuable insights. This valuable insight will be used in building future campaigns. The initial obstacle faced included a lack of awareness which our team successfully overcame through comprehensive learning and illustrating the tangible benefits of data-driven decision-making. We understood that continued investment in cutting-edge analytics tools and technologies, and adapting to evolving industry standards are primary requirements for long-term sustainability. This strategy has also inspired its expansion into customer service and product development. The insights garnered from customer interactions are helping us in the creation of products aligned with market demands.



● Engagement Surge: Our Instagram engagement skyrocketed by an incredible 450%, and Twitter experienced an 18% surge, demonstrating the campaign's widespread appeal and audience interaction. ● Financial Impact: During the Muhurat Trading session, we witnessed a remarkable 251% increase in revenue, surpassing projections. Additionally, Angel One reactivated 843% more dormant accounts compared to the previous year, indicating heightened investor confidence and participation. ● Audience Growth: Pre-launch teasers garnered an astounding 3 million views on YouTube, setting the stage for a successful film launch. This not only exceeded benchmarks but also demonstrated the campaign's ability to create anticipation and capture audience attention. ● New Investor Participation: The one-hour Muhurat Trading session saw a 103% surge in transaction volume, with a substantial portion initiated by first-time investors. This highlights the campaign's success in attracting and converting new investors, contributing to both brand-building and business growth objectives. The campaign's impact was substantial, with metrics showcasing impressive growth across engagement, revenue, audience reach, and new investor acquisition, firmly establishing the Shagun Ke Shares Campaign as a groundbreaking and effective festive marketing initiativetdr


Angel One Ltd, Angel One Ltd., SOCIAL MEDIA, 2023, ECHO