Angel One's YouTube Channel

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Case Study


Empowers our users with financial knowledge to help them make Smart Investing Decisions From engaging YouTube shorts to in-depth educational content, we've transformed investing into a captivating movement for the young audience. Angel One's YouTube channel soared with 110% growth in subscribers and a 108% surge in organic views and impressions. Engaging Gen Z and Millennials across the country, our award-worthy journey redefines our revolution in the world of finance, where knowledge meets innovation.


● Empower our users to make Smart Financial Decisions: The primary goal was to use data to foster genuine interest and curiosity about investing, especially among the younger demographic of Gen Z and Millennials. We aimed to leverage data insights to tailor our content, ensuring it was easy, relevant, and also captivating, thereby driving engagement and increasing interest in financial investments. ● Be the guide for our users to navigate the market: The volatile nature of financial markets posed a significant challenge. Our data strategy focused on continuously monitoring market trends, analysing data, and staying informed about current events. By aligning our content with prevailing market sentiments, we aimed to guide our audience effectively in their investment decisions. ● Creative a fanbase of Angel One on YT: Market fluctuations presented a challenge in expanding our subscriber base. Through data-driven insights, we aimed to understand investor behaviour during turbulent market phases. This understanding guided us in creating content that addressed investor concerns, provided practical insights, and ultimately contributed to steady growth in our subscriber base even amidst market volatility.


Angel One's YouTube channel thrives on data-driven decision-making, shaping content strategy and guiding internal processes. Tailoring content to diverse audience profiles, it offers concise market updates in series like Master the Market and Baatein Stock Wali for investors, while traders benefit from Live Trading Sessions during pre-market hours. Choices in video format, scheduling, SEO, and hosts are refined through A/B tests. The growth in subscribers, organic views, and impressions serves as a vital compass for content creators, enabling strategic optimization and enhanced audience engagement. Externally, these metrics signify channel success, fostering trust and loyalty among subscribers and attracting potential investors. This data acts as a barometer of impact, showcasing the channel's tailored approach across diverse markets, from Tier 1 to Tier 4. In essence, Angel One's data-driven approach is integral to sustained growth, community engagement, and establishing a mark in various market segments.


● Vision and Key Decisions: The vision was to create an interesting, engaging, and valuable content that resonated with Gen Z and Millennials. The decision to leverage YouTube as the primary platform stemmed from its wide reach and the dynamic nature of branded content. Collaborations with influential figures and the use of diverse video formats were strategic decisions to enhance credibility and engagement. ● Ah-Ha Moments: An "ah-ha" moment was the realisation that the audience sought not just information but a community. This led to the emphasis on creating a fraternity of investors and traders. The success of this approach was evident in the significant growth of the subscriber base and a robust and loyal following. ● Challenges and Opportunities: The challenge of fostering interest in investing was met with the creation of high-quality, easily digestible content. Adapting to market sentiments required a proactive strategy, continuously monitoring trends, staying responsive and delivering valuable content even in uncertain times. ● Privacy/Addressability Issues: Privacy concerns were addressed by ensuring compliance with exchange-laid guidelines. The campaign prioritised transparency in stock recommendation and maintained a focus on delivering value without compromising our audience's trust. ● Methodology: The methodology involved host-led videos with simple to understand explanation in Hinglish language. Consistency, audience feedback, data-driven enhancements and collaboration with influencers that shaped content creation. Analytics tools were employed to gain insights into audience behaviour, informing strategic decisions and optimisations. ● Timeline: The concept of the execution timeline spanned over 2 years. Regular data collection and analysis allowed for iterative improvements. The weekly and bi-weekly video series provided a consistent flow of content, ensuring sustained engagement. ● Partners: The working team dynamic involved cross-functional collaboration, with content creators, analysts, and marketing experts working in synergy. External partnerships with influencers and experts enriched the campaign with diverse perspectives.


Our data strategy is deeply embedded into our business, serving as the compass guiding our decision-making processes. The ease of implementing this strategy stems from a robust infrastructure equipped with advanced analytics tools. These tools facilitate real-time monitoring and provide valuable insights into audience behaviour, content performance, and market trends. Obstacles were navigated through a proactive approach, addressing challenges such as market volatility and shifting sentiments. Continuous adaptation and refinement of our strategies, informed by data-driven insights, allowed us to stay ahead of the curve. To sustain this data strategy in the long term, we are committed to staying abreast of technological advancements and industry trends. Our iterative approach, fueled by data insights, serves as a perpetual feedback loop, allowing us to evolve with the ever-changing landscape. This data strategy has inspired extensions into other business contexts as well. Along with marketing, it helps product development, customer service enhancements, and overall business strategy. The success witnessed in digital marketing has catalysed a data-driven culture across the organisation, fostering innovation and agility in decision-making



The campaign set out to achieve several key performance indicators (KPIs) aimed at increasing organic views, organic Watch Time & Subscriber growth. The benchmarks established in 2021 were exceeded significantly in 2022, showcasing the campaign's remarkable impact. ● Organic Views on YouTube: Goal: Boost views with captivating content. - Oct 2021: 4,10,883 organic views - Oct 2023: 14,91,230 organic views > 2 Year Growth: 262% ● Organic Watch Time: Goal: Have viewers stick with valuable content - Oct 2021: 9,789 hours - Oct 2023: 57,856 hours > CAGR Growth: 491% ● Subscriber Growth: Goal: Increase YouTube subscribers by enhancing brand recognition. - Oct 2021: 4,50,150 subscribers - Oct 2023: 19,89,210 subscribers > CAGR Growth: 341% This growth contributed to brand building and fostered business growth by attracting a wider audience, increasing engagement, and solidifying Angel One's position as a trusted partner in the finance and investment industry. The Channel's impact is further underscored by the diverse and inclusive audience it reached, spanning from Tier 1 to Tier 4 markets, demonstrating its effectiveness in connecting with a broad demographic spectrum.


Angel One Ltd, Angel One Ltd., VIDEO CONTENT, 2023, ECHO, Gold