Yatra Online Ltd. & Aghreni Technologies Pvt. Ltd

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Case Study


Yatra's Email Success: 95% Inbox Delivery, 50% Opens, and Zero Spam. Their approach nailed inbox placement, captivating audiences with great content. With no spam trouble and a 3% Click-Through Rate, Yatra aced engaging their audience.


Yatra encountered the challenge of mailers consistently landing in promotions, impacting engagement metrics such as Open Rate and Click-Through Rate. This issue ultimately led to lower conversion rates, posing a hurdle in their past email marketing effectiveness.


The primary campaign objective centered on achieving consistent primary Inbox placement for every deployed mailer. The focus was on seamlessly integrating domains with the Customer Data Platform (CDP) for optimal campaign performance. This objective aimed to ensure that each campaign email reached the primary Inbox, maximizing visibility and engagement with the audience. By integrating domains seamlessly with the CDP platform, the goal was to enhance deliverability and maintain a strong sender reputation. This approach sought to bolster the effectiveness of email campaigns, guaranteeing that the content reached recipients' main folders, ultimately driving higher engagement and improving overall campaign success.


Yatra's agency used a smart approach to make sure emails landed in both the Inbox and Primary tabs from the start. They got creative by dividing the audience into different groups, testing subject lines and content to put emails in the right place. This made sure emails reached the right people at the right time. They kept a close eye on everything, fixing any issues quickly and updating clients promptly for a better service experience. Their focus was not just on getting emails delivered but also on keeping clients happy by being responsive and monitoring everything in real-time.


The campaign's success for Yatra was vividly evident through multiple key metrics, showcasing the exceptional performance of their email marketing endeavors. 1) Inbox Deliverability at 95%: Yatra achieved an impressive 95% inbox deliverability rate, ensuring that the majority of their emails reached recipients' primary inboxes. This high rate speaks volumes about the effectiveness of their strategies in bypassing spam filters and ensuring optimal visibility. 2) Email Open Rates Reaching Up to 50%: The campaign saw remarkable success with open rates soaring to an impressive 50%. This metric reflects the compelling nature of their email content and subject lines, enticing recipients to engage and open the emails consistently. 3) Zero Spam & Bounce Rate: Yatra maintained a flawless performance with a 0% spam and bounce rate. This achievement signifies the quality of their subscriber list and the effectiveness of their targeting, ensuring that emails reached the intended audience without being diverted or undelivered. 4) Click-Through Rate (CTR) Reaching Up to 3%: Their campaign generated substantial engagement, evident in the impressive click-through rates of up to 3%. This metric signifies that a significant portion of recipients not only opened the emails but also interacted further by clicking on embedded links, showcasing genuine interest and engagement with the content. These metrics collectively highlighted the effectiveness of their email marketing strategies, engaging recipients effectively and driving successful outcomes for their campaigns.


Yatra's agency transformed their email strategy with innovation. They ensured emails landed in the right place from the start, setting a strong foundation for successful delivery. Their smart segmentation and testing ensured emails resonated with different groups, improving engagement. Real-time monitoring fixed issues swiftly and kept clients updated for better service. Their focus wasn't just on delivery but on improving the overall customer experience, making their strategy both effective and customer-centric.


Inbox Deliverability: 95% Email Open Rates: Up to 50% Spam & Bounce Rate: 0% Click Through Rate: Up to 3%


Yatra Online Ltd., Aghreni Technologies, Email Marketing, 2023, Sparkies