AMP Goal Planner

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Case Study


Plan Your Goals with Ease: Introducing Goal Planner Charting a course towards your financial goals is the cornerstone of a successful investment journey. To help you embark on this path with confidence, we proudly present Goal Planner – an intuitive tool designed to simplify your goal-planning process. With Goal Planner, you can effortlessly calculate the investment amount required to achieve your financial aspirations.


Empowering our existing investors to plan their investments effectively and make informed decisions about their financial future was the cornerstone of our innovative and interactive campaign. To achieve this objective, we seamlessly integrated an Interactive and Dynamic Goal Planner Calculator into our email communication. This rich and dynamic email interface enabled investors to effortlessly navigate between different fields of the calculator and visualize their potential financial outcomes in real-time. A compelling CTA at the end of the email guided investors to the NIMF fund listing page, where they could seamlessly log in and initiate their investment journey.


Overall Peak Engagement Rate/Open Rate: This metric gauged the overall level of investor engagement with the email campaign. Goal Planner Usage: This metric tracked the number of investors who actively utilized the Interactive Goal Planner Calculator to plan their financial goals. Goal Planner Transaction: This metric measured the number of investment transactions initiated through the Goal Planner Calculator, reflecting the campaign's effectiveness in driving direct action. By effectively engaging investors, facilitating informed financial planning, and driving measurable transactions, our campaign achieved its objectives and empowered investors to take control of their financial future.


Tool Upgrade: The Adobe Campaign Manager build was upgraded to support AMP Email Campaigns, enabling the creation of interactive and dynamic emails. AMP Technology: Leveraging AMP technology, the Goal Planner Creative was developed, providing investors with an interactive and dynamic experience. Embedded directly within the email, the calculator empowered investors to calculate their Goal Amount without the need for redirection to an external webpage. Creative HTML: The creative HTML was meticulously crafted to support formulas for calculating future goals based on each dynamic input value. This ensured that the calculator accurately reflected the investor's financial aspirations. Range Sliders: To enhance user experience, range sliders were seamlessly integrated into the design. With these sliders, investors could effortlessly toggle between different fields and visualize their investment goal plan without manually entering input values. This intuitive design simplified the interaction process and streamlined the user experience. 3 Key Output Objectives: By selecting the three key input values – Monthly SIP investment amount, Time Period, and Expected Rate of Returns – the SIP Returns Calculator automatically calculated three crucial output values: • Goal Selection: The specific financial goal the investor aims to achieve. • Period to Achieve Goal: The estimated timeframe required to reach the desired financial goal. • Calculated Goal: The projected future value of the investment, considering the selected parameters. Personalization: The personalized Goal Planner Calculator empowered investors to understand how to fulfill their financial goals through strategic investments in Nippon India Mutual Funds. By providing a glimpse into their potential future value, the campaign encouraged investors to take informed decisions and plan effectively for their financial aspirations. Overall, the campaign successfully leveraged AMP technology and innovative design elements to deliver an interactive and personalized experience that empowered investors to take control of their financial future.


This campaign was sent out to All NIMF Direct and Non-Direct Investor base individuals of Nippon India Mutual Fund.


Upgraded Technology: We've upgraded our email platform to support AMP technology, making our communications more interactive and dynamic. This means you'll experience a seamless journey within the email itself, eliminating the need to switch between pages. Effortless Goal Planning: Our innovative Goal Planner is built right into the email, allowing you to calculate your future investment goals with ease. Simply provide your desired goal amount, preferred investment timeline, and anticipated return rate, and watch the magic happen! Intuitive Design: We've integrated convenient range sliders into the Goal Planner, enabling you to effortlessly adjust various parameters and see your investment plan update in real-time. No more manual input, just a smooth and intuitive experience. Personalized Insights: The Goal Planner is designed to provide you with personalized insights and guidance to help you make informed investment decisions aligned with your financial aspirations. Take Control of Your Future: With the Goal Planner, you can confidently chart your investment journey and achieve your financial goals with a clear vision and empowered approach.


This campaign was one of a kind where Future Goal could be calculated by the investor in the Email itself. Achievement: • Peak open rate of the campaign: 6% • Goal Planner Usage: 30% of campaign openers • Total Transactions attributed to Campaign: 2,500 transactions. • Corresponding Revenue: 4 Crore INR


Nippon India Mutual Fund, Hansa Cequity, Email Marketing, 2023, Sparkies, Gold