Road to Automotive Utopia

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Case Study


As Helen Keller, famous American author once said, "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all". When presented with the chance of leading the marketing for a relatively new BU and without much of a brand presence in the market. We were very eager to helm this program by letting go of our standard operating practices and thinking completely out of the box to deliver maximum value for each marketing dollar spent.


Tata Communications has historically faced a tough battle dislodging ICT competitors in the Connected Automotive space. With automotive industry facing low sales, it was very difficult to start meaningful discussions on technology investments with Automotive OEMs. For this marketing campaign we had to brave several challenges such as: 1. Lack of brand recognition for Tata Comms to provide Automotive solutions 2. Low engagement from target audience 3. Not enough Go to Market assets for the automotive industry However, with our experience of providing Connected Vehicle technology to Automotive OEMs within the Tata group, it was game on for Tata Communications to persuade other Automotive OEMs to partner with us in managing their Connected Vehicle fleet.


Tata Communications strategized to come with an integrated ABM campaign to target Automotive OEMs to increase digital engagement and also drive one-one connects with stakeholders. Campaign objectives: 1. Increase influence with C- and VP- suites to drive and enable revenues from complex, higher value solution sales 2. Grow mindshare with key decision-makers prior to and during RFP cycles 3. Expand and elevate perception of Tata Communications' capabilities beyond traditional services 4. Lead generation and opportunity closures We did this by focusing on the unique differentiators of Tata Communications - MOVE Intelligent Vehicle Platform, in order to arm our sales teams to better target the potential customers with marketing assets.


We decided to conceptualize and execute an integrated Account Based Marketing program targeting the global automotive OEMs. We started with sales interlocks to align sales and marketing around common goals and expectations to generate maximum business from the 100 odd account list. Through these interlocks we were able to achieve the following: Leveraging data and insights to identify the right accounts Account mapping and profiling to identify the right individuals Developing tailored messaging and content Creating opportunities for sales to engage with the right audiences Equipping and enabling the sales teams to be more effective The long term plan - We developed an ABM methodology that employed different targeting, messaging, and tactics depending on each target account's position in the buying cycle. Tier 1 Accounts: Those accounts that were closer to the RFP stage, and had a mature Connected Vehicle practice Tier 2 Accounts: Those accounts which were at least > 1 year away from releasing an RFP Plan Activation: Tactics included paid social, programmatic, content syndication, email marketing, social selling, Account workshops, and events. We mixed and matched tactics depending on the tiers in which accounts were placed. For example… Tier 1: For accounts furthest away from RFP, the key was brand awareness – drip feeding TCL's thought leadership to ensure the new brand message was in the consciousness of the audience. Tier 2: As accounts moved closer to RFP, tactics became much more focused and customised. We created personalised one-to-one content and delivered them directly to key stakeholders using social selling. Creative and messaging: We developed a creative ‘big idea' and a compelling story that articulated the commercial and technical value of our Connected Vehicle Platform. This became the backbone of "Automotive Utopia", designed to deliver the message of re-birth to Automotive CXOs.


We used the following data points to adapt our messaging and theme: 1. Secondary research on the initiatives by the Automotive OEMs defined our Value proposition 2. First party data on the solutions we have previously sold to automotive OEMs coupled with the propensity to buy data helped us identify out ideal customers 3. Digital engagement data from the target accounts helped us personalize the content basis the intent shown


The Tata Communications ABM team understood that to gain real traction in this initiative, they would need to lead new efforts within the organization for a deeper dive into target customers' complex, evolving, multi-layered requirements. The team designed and developed a series of collaborative sessions with the Sales organization to integrate field insights, market data, customer and contact profiling and staging, and aggregated customer insight-building from past touchpoints and engagement, to drive a centrally integrated Messaging Opportunity Matrix. With Automotive companies looking to bounce back and focus on enhanced sales. We conceptualized the marketing around Automotive re-birth "Road to Automotive Utopia" with a positive messaging. THE CAMPAIGN IMMEDIATELY STOOD OUT BASED ON THREE KEY FACTORS: Conversation. To build the C-level dialogue outreach was timed to coincide with key milestones in the buying cycle, including service re-evaluation cycles, solution upgrades and RFPs. Creative Communication. Campaign messaging was carried out through multiple phases. This enabled the campaign to generate greater visibility and engagement through a coordinated evolution of compelling visual components. Conversion. Activation was built on paid social, email marketing, social selling, direct mail, and events, in addition to a high-profile roundtable, among other integrated efforts.


Results: Coverage: The campaign has reached 51% of companies on the target account list Qualified leads: 200+ Pipeline generation: > 6 mn USD Opportunity closures: ~ 3 million USD


Tata Communications, Oct, 2022