Ask Nestle - Building Relevance with Personalized Communication

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Case Study


Ask Nestlé - Building relevance with personalized communication: The task at hand was to bring in personalization to induce a great engagement and repeat usage for Ask Nestle: India's first one stop platform for everything nutrition for anxious parents! It captured the followed areas: a) Generate awareness in the right TG set to drive acquisition, i.e., visits to Ask Nestlé Website b) Drive depth of website usage via with personalized communication.


Ask Nestle is India's first corporate service brand - a trusted and reliable one-stop shop platform for all things nutrition for addressing the needs of anxious mothers. With multiple media interventions, we drove 3.1Mn website traffic, 2.9Mn of them being one time visitors. A low repeat usage was observed over a period of time attributing to poor engagement with the website. A need felt therefore to correct this in order to increase repeat usage while we continue to drive traffic.


GARNER MAXIMUM REACH IN A SMART MANNER (April): • Leveraged a mix of Impact & high reach platforms for a big bang launch. (YT Masthead, FB through user friendly video formats - carousals, cinemographs, OTTs etc.). • Contextual and appographic targeting using relevant interest signals. • Search targeting to address high intent audience- using cross category targeting & keywords. DRIVE ENGAGEMENT AND TRAFFIC TO THE WEBSITE (May to August): • Collaborated with parenting websites, food influencers for content creation. • Contextual web banners to build high affinity with our audience. PERSONALIZED CREATIVES DEPLOYMENT (October to December): • Leveraged 200 use cases created through Google Analytics and other data insighting • Enabled personalization through an AI/ML TECH platform - AD GREETZ.


Extensive analysis of the website visitors and their journey was done using Google Analytics and DMP along with deciphering multiple audience segments on Facebook and Google. For first party audiences, we identified top affinity categories for parents like: 1. Users who visited the website and registered on the portal, 2. Users who visited the website and generated meal plan etc. 3. Audience segments like Indian Toys, babies and toddlers, etc. This helped us create customized creatives based on a user's journey on the website aiding our story around personalization. These audiences were then pushed to DV360, thus arriving at 10 use cases to activate with a significant audience pool (at least 1 lakh+). Facebook, DV360 (YouTube and Display) were then used to reach these audiences. High affinity and in market segments along with kids specific videos on YouTube were targeted. The identified segments were shown personalized creatives using DCO enabling automatic adapts. The ads were served based on the audiences' place in the user journey. Interactive banners were also leveraged to garner higher engagement. Along with this, a data mining exercise on the website visitors indicated low tool usage, generating 300k possible user segments. However, with FB and Google match rates we activated 200 segments to run multiple remarketing campaigns. For our own audiences, Google Analytics, Facebook and Data management platform (DMP) were used. Additional audience segments (high affinities and in- market) were sought like babies and toddlers, cooking and recipes, parenting, toys, etc. in order to target parents. Along with this, we also identified videos on YouTube which were kids specific and were expected to have higher parents and kids' viewership.


1) FIRST PARTY DATA SIGNALS (geography, time spent, day of the week etc.), search and video content behaviour (kids, parenting related) were leveraged to garner use cases using Google Analytics, Facebook and DMP. 2) These 200+ use cases + identified AFFINITY SEGMENTS (babies, cooking, recipes, toys, parenting etc.) helped us to design personalized messaging for each segment and targeted through Facebook, DV360 (Display and YouTube). EG: OF SOME USE CASE AND PERSONALISATION SCENARIOS: If a mother has come to the website from New Delhi and did not generate a meal plan, she was shown communication like "Hi New Delhi Mom, Generate a custom meal plan for your child's need" on Facebook and DV360 display and was urged to visit the "generate a meal plan" page.


A comprehensive Digital Strategy like this was leveraged for the first time for any of the Nestle brands . It was the first campaign where various new age tech partners bringing in high degree of innovation were utilized and Personalization at Scale was implemented. This also helped identify high quality traffic generating platforms and garnered better ROI, a great acquisition rate. As this strategy was immensely successful, leveraging data signals for personalized messaging has become an Always On approach for Ask Nestle as well as other brands!!


This personalization for use cases and affinity segments performed better than normal creatives done earlier. The user behavior of the remarketed audiences with personalized messaging (people who already came to the website earlier and remarketed) was way better than that of new audiences in terms of repeat usage and engagement rate. Remarketing with personalized communication helped in cross usage of tools on the website. It can be summarized that remarketing our own audiences with tailored messaging delivered better ROI as compared to reaching out to audiences with same communication. Numerically, this personalization and remarketing approach helped achieve : • 79k unique meal plans created & 3.4 Mn+ qualified visits • Repeat usage improved from 12.39% to 22.10% • Personalization reduced bounce rate by 21% and improved the time spent on the website by 3X • 10K users tracked the growth of their kids and visits to the meal plan increased from a mere 6.5% to a whooping 45% !! • Campaign delivered 198 MN impressions, 25 MN video views with 92% video completion rates. • Interactive banners used had a high CTR driving 27.7K website visits and 34% being repeat visits!! • Visit target achieved in only 70% budget • 3-6X better CTR and 6X better View rates • 2X more returning users than standard campaigns • 2.4X better website performance than category benchmarks (SOURCE: Google Analytics, Brand Track Exercises) This led to driving the key objective of Trust wherein People exposed to Ask Nestlé had 27% higher advocacy for Nestlé. With the success of this strategy, leveraging data signals for personalized messaging has become an Always On approach for Ask Nestle!!


Nestle India Pvt. Ltd, Oct, 2022