Visa Safe Click Campaign with Paytm​

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Case Study


Visa saw and leveraged this opportunity and built one of a kind made in India, made for India product called Visa Safe Click which solves for payment challenges unique to Indian e-commerce by providing single click payment experience for mobile e-commerce transactions.


For online transactions in India a mandatory multi factor authentication is followed. The standard process across all e-commerce is entering a password which is usually followed by a mobile OTP (One time password), the entering of which validates the transaction.​ ​ Businesses faced multiple challenges with this 2 step authentication:​ 1. Delay in receiving the OTP SMS resulted in transaction failure and payment drop-offs​ 2. Incorrect OTP entry by customers due to typing errors​ 3. Slow internet resulting in access problems and mobile bank websites with a poor user experience further amplified the issues


To increase Visa Safe click product usage via Direct response marketing​. Driving 100,000 enrollments for the Visa Safe click product​.


Rather than only integrating with the platform, we dived into the combined data and advertised to a Visa user cohort along with building a unique experience for them on the Paytm app!


On one of our big tie-ups (Paytm), research uncovered that a large cohort of 25 Mn Visa cards were actively using the platform but not using the Visa Safe Click product.


In a first of it's kind initiative, Paytm created a comprehensive Brand store for Visa safe click detailing the newly launched product and encouraging users to activate it and use it for a variety of transactions on Paytm. We integrated the same with all features a user might expect including routine gas and water bill payments as well as cohort-based features.


234,612 Mobile Exclusive Product enrollments delivered in 40 days; 134% more than planned enrollments​. Reach - 7.25 Mn+ Brand Store - 275,606​ Impressions - 43 Mn+ CTR - 0.76% Clicks - 320,057​ (50% more than planned) Overall Product Enrollments​ - 234,612 v/s 100,000 planned​ Total Paid Media Attributed Sign-Up for VSC​ - 131,289 (56% of the total enrollments)​


Visa India, Oct, 2022