Organic Growth Marketing for HDFC Bank's Credit Card

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Case Study


Increased ROI by merging Organic Growth Marketing and CRO Efforts. By optimum utilization of analytics and technology, we transformed data into actionable insights, executing a strategy that yielded tangible business outcomes. Enhanced user retention using funnel analysis, personalized communication, event tracking Enhanced User Experience with Accelerated Mobile Pages, User Interface Upgrade, Integration of Unassisted Online Journey Generated business from non-brand keywords without any active brand-led paid campaigns which posed challenge.


1. Minimal Discoverability on Search Engines 2. Coping up and adapting to Google's Algorithm Changes 3. Intense Competition making it difficult to secure top rankings for popular keywords 4. Technical SEO Issues such as duplicate content, site speed, poor site performance 5. Changing Search Behavior evolving over time, influenced by technology, trends, and societal changes 6. Penalties and Deindexing:Staying compliant and avoiding black-hat SEO practices is crucial to maintaining a positive online presence. 7. Measuring ROI: Proving the SEO efforts turning into business proposition


Improve Search discoverability to drive organic Traffic by improving High non-brand keywords ranking positions across TOFU, MOFU & BOFU. Leverage the improved Search Discoverability by boosting Click Through Rate with SERP enhancement Increase ROI by merging Organic Growth Marketing and CRO Efforts. Metrics: Organic Traffic Non Brand Keywords No of Keywords Search Volume Traffic Clicks Form Completes, Form Visits, Unique Form Visitors


Identify Credit Card led Search Universe: Understand the total addressable market (TAM) online basis competition analysis Focused on ranking for "High Intent + High Decision" led keywords e.g. apply for credit Optimized Low Hanging Opportunity ranking in 4-20 position Click Through Rate Enhancement: Identification of keywords with High Impressions & Low Clicks & missed SERP enhancement opportunity. SERP enhancements with Content Optimization Structured Data Codes Breadcrumb Financia Product FAQ Itemlist Sitelinks Videos & Images For Boosting non Brand Keyword Ranks Generate High Quality Backlinks & Internal Links Leveraging ATM Locator Subdomain for Backlink Generation Footer Internal Linking & Anchor text linking from Articles & Product pages Generated backlinks Using Social Bookmarking Article Submissions Enhance Crawlability & Indexability of Website with Technical SEO: Eliminate Keyword Cannibalization Content Duplication Audit Helping Search Bots to Understand Content efficiently with Structured data codes AMP Errors Rectification Leveraged Organic Content Marketing with Content Gap Analysis & SWOT Analysis : Creation of Content in Line with Google Content helpful guidelines updates in Aug'22 & Dec'22 & Competition Analysis using Semrush tool Boost Conversions from Traffic Driven by Organic Growth – Conversion Rate Optimization Enhance Mobile User Experience with User Interface Update Improved Page Load Time Cross Selling of SmartEMI & Loan on Credit Card to Existing HDFC Bank Credit Card Holders Contextual Call to Action Audit


Identify Credit Card led Search Universe Covering 2M Non-Brand Search Volume Boost Conversions from Traffic Driven by Organic Growth – Conversion Rate Optimization Objective: Boost Loan on Credit Card Disbursals & Conversions of Credit Card Spends on EMI Data Insights: 51% of overall traffic for credit card were driven by Existing Credit Card Holders visiting credit card Netbanking, bill payments, rewards, limit enhancement pages Business Challenge: Loan on Credit Card: 0 Loan Disbursals through the 4 pages generating 51% credit card overall traffic Convert Credit card Spends in EMI: 0 EMI Conversions through the 4 pages generating 51% credit card overall traffic Objective: Boost Credit Card Disbursals from Category Page Click Through Rate Enhancement: Featured Snippet: Pre Optimization Data: 43 Non Brand Keywords were ranking at Featured Snippet generating 8k Organic Traffic 0 Non Brand Keywords were ranking with FAQ Schema appearance generating 0 Organic Traffic Leveraged Organic Content Marketing with Content Gap Analysis & SWOT Analysis : Pre Optimization Data: 1.No of Non Brand Keywords & Search Volume in Top 3: For Long tail informative keywords, 233 non brand keywords were ranking contributing 30.7K traffic Enhance Crawlability & Indexability of Website with Technical SEO: 800 Duplicate Credit Card pages were getting indexed in Google due to dummy & UAT websites (  & Generate High Quality Backlinks & Internal Links Opportunity to Leverage 32K Backlinks from Near Me Domain (Branch locator Pages), 200 Internal Links on product & informative pages, 3K Footer Links from domain


Boost Conversions from Traffic Driven by Organic Growth – Conversion Rate Optimization Objective: Boost Credit Card Disbursals from Category Page Enlargement of the Image Size For Users to Understand Look & Feel of Credit Card Integration of Credit Card Lead Form in AMP Navigation Reducing the Textual content in first fold by Integration of "Get my Credit Card" CTA: Click through Rate Enhancement: FAQ Schema Appearance: Challenge: FAQ Schema not appearing post implementing Schema Code Rectified the issue by Opening Closed Tags 50 Non Brand Keywords ranking with FAQ Schema appearance generating 24.7K Organic Traffic (100% Hike in No of Keywords & 100% hike in Traffic Share) Generate High Quality Backlinks & Internal Links Programmatic SEO: Leveraged Hyperlocal Domain wherein close to 7K Branch Locators & 25K ATM locator pages were listed, for generating High quality backlinks Leveraged Internal links from Footer (3k pages) for "credit card" keyword anchor text Enhance Crawlability & Indexability of Website with Technical SEO: Resolved Keyword Cannibalization & Content plagiarism Occurring for "Credit Card" Keyword caused by Microsite Blocked Microsite with No Index No Follow Tag Leveraged Organic Content Marketing with Content Gap Analysis & SWOT Analysis : Created 106 informative articles covering TOFU, MOFU & BOFU intent topics .


Credit Card Section: Organic Growth Performance 236% Hike in Non Brand Search Volume (Top 3 Position) 215% Hike in Non Brand Traffic Share (Top 3 Position) 39% Hike in No of Non Brand Keywords (Top 3 position) 74% Hike in Organic Traffic 32% Hike in Non Brand Keyword Clicks Credit Card Blog Section: 55% Hike in No of Non Brand Keywords (Top 3 position) 2X Growth in Non Brand Organic Traffic (Top 3 position) 13% Improvement in Click Through rate Conversion Performance: Objective: Boost Credit Card Disbursals from Category Page 36% Hike in Form Completes 17% Hike in Form Visits 36% Hike in Unique Form Visitors Objective: Boost Loan on Credit Card Disbursals & Conversions of Credit Card Spends on EMI SmartEMI (Credit Card spends converted in EMI): a) 11% Contribution to Total Credit Card spends converted in EMI (Form Completes) through the 4 pages generating 51% credit card overall traffic (Existing CC Holders) b) 10% Contribution to Total Credit Card spends converted in EMI (Value) through the 4 pages generating 51% credit card overall traffic (Existing CC Holders) Loan on Credit Card: 0.3% Contribution to total digital Loan on credit card disbursals (Value) 0.4% Contribution to total digital Loan on credit card disbursals (No of Disbursals)


HDFC BANK, Puretech Digital, SEO Optimization, 2023, Sparkies