Data-Driven Approach to redefine Royal Enfield's Organic Search Performance.

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Case Study


"Revolutionizing Royal Enfield's Digital Journey: A Data-Driven Triumph" This campaign meticulously crafted a data-driven strategy, leveraging SEO enhancements and user-focused improvements. The results speak volumes: an impressive surge in organic sessions, users, and CTR. The creative integration of FAQs, schema tags, and Geo HREFLang Tags showcased innovation. This campaign not only met but exceeded objectives, marking a triumph in optimizing Royal Enfield's online presence.


Royal Enfield faced a digital challenge with poor organic performance and visibility, evident from April 2019 to June 2021. Recognizing the urgency for strategic intervention, the focus turned to the highest-selling model, the Classic 350 motorcycle. Initially, its product page suffered from low visibility, with aggregator platforms dominating brand-specific keywords. seizing an opportunity for improvement, Royal Enfield launched a new version of the Classic 350 page in September 2021, marking the beginning of targeted efforts. This narrative unfolds as a story of transformation, where a once-underperforming product page evolved into a flagship of digital excellence, showcasing the brand's commitment to enhancing visibility and engagement.


To seize the opportunities presented after the COVID period, Royal Enfield initiated a robust campaign between July 2021 and October 2023. Furthermore, ambitious KPIs were set to achieve a 50% improvement in website traffic over the next two years. The strategy encompassed comprehensive SEO tactics, emphasizing innovative content and strategic enhancements to meta tags, canonical tags, URLs, and schema tags. The aim was clear: To secure Royal Enfield's digital prominence amidst intense competition. To achieve a high ranking on product specific Motorcycle related keywords.


The strategy focused on strategic SEO enhancements and website optimizations. Initiatives included targeted modifications to meta tags, incorporation of self-referencing canonical tags, resolution of URL errors, frequent sitemap updates, integration of FAQs into product pages, and implementation of schema tags. Geo HREFLang Tags were introduced to address country-specific URL identification issues. These decisions were informed by a meticulous analysis of the website's organic performance and user behaviour data.


Data played a pivotal role in shaping the strategy. Comprehensive analysis of organic traffic, user engagement, and keyword performance guided decisions at every step. Insights from the data revealed specific pain points, such as URL errors and country-specific challenges, leading to targeted solutions for improved crawl efficiency and user experience. The analysis of Classic 350's performance as a product on organic search along with the many other branded keywords related to "price", "specifications", "features" etc. helped us to form a strategy around the same & grow the organic performance of Royal Enfield India through SEO.


The creative solution seamlessly integrated data-driven SEO strategies with user-centric enhancements. The incorporation of FAQs, schema tags, and Geo HREFLang Tags showcased a thoughtful approach to providing comprehensive information and a tailored search experience. The creative process involved optimizing content, imagery, and technical elements to enhance the website's visibility and relevance.


In a captivating digital evolution, Royal Enfield achieved remarkable success, surpassing set targets for organic performance from July 2021 to Oct 2023. The brand's commitment to excellence reflected in a notable surge of 87% in organic sessions, a remarkable 109% increase in users, and an impressive 103% growth in new users, compared to the preceding period of Apr 2019 to Mar 2021. The click-through rate (CTR) experienced a substantial boost, reaching 12.10% in Oct '23, showcasing a robust 72.86% improvement from July '21. At the heart of this triumph stands the iconic Classic 350 motorcycle, Royal Enfield's highest-selling model. Previously grappling with low visibility on its product page, especially when compared to aggregator platforms, the Classic 350 confronted challenges in ranking for brand-specific keywords. Recognizing the need for transformation, Royal Enfield unveiled a revamped Classic 350 page in Sep '21, marking the beginning of strategic efforts. This narrative unfolds as a compelling story of metamorphosis, where a once-underperforming product page metamorphosed into a flagship of digital excellence. The success is underscored by the surge in Page 1 Keywords by 38.84% and an exceptional 291.73% increase in Share of Voice (SOV) from July '21 to Oct '23. Drawing insights from diverse sources such as analytics tools, search engine data, and website performance metrics, the brand ensured a comprehensive, data-driven understanding of the achieved outcomes. In conclusion, Royal Enfield's strategic prowess not only addressed challenges from Apr 2019 to Jun 2021 but also exemplifies a brand that not only adapts to change but thrives in driving substantial growth across various dimensions of its online presence.


Royal Enfield, Interactive Avenues, SEO Optimization, 2023, Sparkies