Increase in App Visibility of Motilal Oswal's Investor App via ASO

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Case Study


Cracking the ASO Code: Infidigit's Journey to Elevate Motilal Oswal's App Visibility Through a comprehensive, data-driven, and innovative ASO strategy, we achieved exceptional results for Motilal Oswal's financial app. The substantial growth in keyword rankings is a testament to our ability to not only meet but exceed campaign objectives. In a highly competitive market, our strategies demonstrated excellence, delivering tangible benefits for Motilal Oswal.


Despite being a famous brand, Motilal Oswal's app was not able to rank in top positions for important keywords that could drive visitors and installs to the app.The challenge at hand was to enhance the visibility and discoverability of Motilal Oswal's financial services app, which faced fierce competition from established players in the market. The opportunity lay in devising a strategy to elevate the app's presence on Play Store and App Store.


1. Elevate the app's ranking for an expanded set of keywords across both the Play Store and App Store. 2. Attract a higher volume of organic traffic by optimizing the app's listing for non-branded keywords. 3. Solicit recommendations for app features aimed at improving the overall user experience.


Our strategy encompassed a holistic approach, spanning various key components: 1. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of your app's current store presence. 2. Utilize ASO tools to discover relevant keywords with high search volume and low competition and include them in our App's Meta Data to create concise but informative titles, short & long description 3. Resolve issues that affected Android Vitals to improve app performance and stability. 4. To design eye-catching and informative app screenshots that showcase key features and benefits. 5. To monitor reviews and ratings on the App and address user concerns promptly and transparently and to continuously improve the app based on user feedback 6. To implement in-app features to imporve users experience


1. Keyword Rankings - App Tweak App Tweak served as our beacon for keyword rankings, illuminating the path to optimizing our app's visibility and discoverability. 2. App Downloads - Apps Flyer Apps Flyer acted as our trusted guide in tracking app installs, providing insights crucial for user acquisition and campaign effectiveness. 3. Crashes and App Not Responding - Play Console Play Console was our lifeline in monitoring crashes and app responsiveness issues, providing vital insights for app stability and user satisfaction. 4. App Page Visitors and Acquisitions - Play Console Play Console was our source of enlightenment when it came to app page visitors & acquisitions, enabling us to gauge user interest and engagement.


Our creative solution involved a holistic approach to app store optimization. We conducted in-depth analysis, keyword research, performance improvements, and offered suggestions for visuals and user experience enhancements. This approach allowed Motilal Oswal to compete effectively in the market. 1. Conducted a meticulous ASO audit, delving into every essential aspect of the app's store presence. 2. Engaged in extensive keyword research, classifying terms into primary and secondary categories based on intent and search volume. 3. Optimized the app's title, short description, long description, and developer name based on research and competitor analysis. 4. Delivered Android Vitals recommendations to rectify app performance issues, thereby ensuring a smoother user experience. 5. Provided suggestions for app visuals, including screenshots and a promotional video, to vividly convey the app's value and features. 6. Performed in-depth analysis of user reviews and ratings to gather insights and enhance app quality. 7. Recommended new app features, such as in-app reviews, in-app updates, and multiple login options, to augment user engagement."


1. Achieved a remarkable 700% increase in top 5 keywords ranking for Play Store. 2. Surpassed expectations with an astounding 1600% improvement in top 10 keywords ranking for Play Store. 3. App Store rankings also saw impressive progress with a 62.5% boost in top 5 keywords ranking. 4. Further strengthening the position, the app achieved a 54.5% improvement in top 10 keywords ranking in the App Store.


Motilal Oswal, Infidigit, SEO Optimization, 2023, Sparkies