Weaving success by 80X Growth in Blog New Users

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Case Study


Weaving Success by 80X Growth in Blog New Users Infidigit's successful SEO collaboration with Libas involved a deep dive into the competitive niche. Together, both teams established objectives, addressed challenges and opportunities, and implemented a holistic SEO approach to increase traffic via Blog. In a span of 18 months, the partnership yielded remarkable results, with a 34X surge in Organic Sessions, 50X in Organic Users and 84X in New Users. These outcomes underscore our commitment


The following crucial elements were the core of our e-commerce brand's blog content marketing challenge: High Competition: Our industry faced intense competition, with numerous competitors vying for top positions in search engine results. This made it imperative for us to find a way to stand out and improve our blog rankings. Small Niche: Our content focused on Women's Ethnic Wear, catering to a distinct audience with unique interests. To succeed, we needed to create highly valuable content that addressed the informational queries of this niche audience. Technical and Unstructured Format: We identified challenges related to the technical aspects and format of our blog content. To enhance visibility, we had to strike a balance between using relevant keywords naturally, maintaining technical clarity, and structuring content with clear headings and bullet points. Addressing these challenges presented a significant opportunity to improve our brand's online visibility, engage our target audience, and drive higher


Our campaign objectives were: Boost Organic Blog Sessions by 100%: We aimed to double the number of organic sessions on our brand's blog, measuring this as a key indicator of an increase in visibility and engagement on the blog. Boost Organic Blog Users by 100%: We set out to double the number of unique organic users visiting our blog. This objective was aligned with expanding our blog's reach to a wider audience and increasing brand exposure. Boost Organic Blog New Users by 100%: We sought to double the influx of new users accessing our blog through organic search. Attracting new users indicated successful content discovery and the potential for audience growth. These objectives were tied to our overarching goal of improving our blog's visibility and impact in a highly competitive digital landscape. Achieving these objectives would signify a successful campaign that effectively engaged our target audience and boosted organic traffic.


A comprehensive strategy was laid out for handling these challenges. It comprised the following takeable actions: 1. Creating On-Page Strategy: We approached On-Page optimization in a holistic manner. - Conducted Page Gap Analysis with different competitive fashion blogs - In-depth keyword research for informational intent keywords that the targetted users searched for. - Internal Linking: Devised an Internal Linking strategy to target blogs as well as related collections - H1: We optimized the H1 based on the targetted keyword. 2. High-Quality Backlinks: We built backlinks from Q&A Forums and high domain authority websites. 3. Technical Recommendations: - Performed a Technical and Competitor Audit to identify the areas of improvements. - There were opportunities to implement schemas like FAQs. - Implement a Top Navigation specifically for the blog section with proper categorization. 4. Festivals: We also captured the trend of festivals as people tend to search for the festival-specific informational queries during that period.


Our strategy was designed to address the marketing challenges and achieve our objectives through a multifaceted approach: Tailored On-Page SEO: To create content that resonated deeply with our diverse target audience, we began with a comprehensive Page Gap Analysis. This allowed us to identify gaps in our content and tailor it to meet user needs. We optimized our header tags, ensuring clarity and relevance. Internal linking was improved, directing users to related articles and products. Additionally, we monitored trending blogs and popular products closely, incorporating them into our content strategy. We also aligned our content with festivals and trends to capitalize on seasonal interest. Outer bounds Approach: For off-page optimization, we focused on identifying domains for backlink activities. Creating high-quality backlinks from Q&A forums and other trusted sources helped enhance our blog's authority and improve search engine rankings. Decoding Technicalities: To address technical challenges, we revamped our blog's top navigation, categorizing blogs for easier access. We explored different types of Schema opportunities to enhance our content's visibility and click-through rates. Implementing FAQs within our blogs and utilizing FAQ Schema helped improve the user experience and search engine rankings. We also created "How-to" blogs with corresponding schema to capture users searching for instructional content. Our strategy was grounded in data-driven insights, ensuring that every decision we made was backed by thorough research. We aimed to provide valuable content that catered to our niche audience while optimizing our blog's technical aspects for improved search engine visibility. This holistic approach leveraged the power of SEO to increase organic blog sessions, users, and new users by 100%, ultimately achieving our campaign objectives.


Our creative and innovative solution for Libas involved a strategic blend of cutting-edge technology and content excellence, shaping the success of our SEO campaign: AI-Enhanced Optimization: Embracing the AI era, we harnessed AI tools, such as ChatGPT and BARD, to optimize critical SEO components. These tools played a pivotal role in crafting compelling meta titles and descriptions, refining off-page optimization, conducting comprehensive keyword research and staying ahead of industry trends. AI automation streamlined these tasks, ensuring efficiency and precision. Structured Data Excellence: AI tools empowered us to effortlessly create schema codes, enriching the structured data on the website. This not only expedited the process but also enhanced the accuracy of information presented to search engines. As a result, our website's visibility in search results improved significantly, liberating valuable resources for other vital SEO endeavours. AI-Powered Keyword Research and Competitor Analysis: We integrated AI tools for keyword research and competitor analysis, gaining a distinct advantage. These tools expedited research, providing valuable insights into emerging trends and competitor strategies. This data-centric approach enabled us to align our content with the ever-evolving search intent of our audience. Innovative Navigation: Implementing a top navigation drop-down menu was a strategic move. It streamlined the user experience, optimized site crawlability, and enhanced internal linking. Consequently, our website's search engine indexing improved, leading to elevated search rankings. With data-driven insights, we made informed decisions to optimize the SEO campaign for Libas. The infusion of AI not only improved efficiency but also allowed us to adapt rapidly to changing trends and user behaviours. By seamlessly merging technical expertise with creative content strategies, we curated an engaging and compelling experience for our audience, ultimately driving the success of the Libas campaign. This harmonious integration of technology and creativity underscored our commitment to delivering exceptional outcomes.


From January 2022 to July 2023, the website saw the following results following the implementation of the above plan. Organic Blog Sessions saw a substantial surge of 34X. Organic Blog Users saw a notable increase of 50X. Organic New Users saw an increase of 84X.


Libas, Infidigit, SEO Optimization, 2023, Sparkies, Silver