Manifesting A Stylish India

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Case Study


Manifesting A Stylish India! - For the first time ever in hairstyling industry, a brand has taken itself on the streets to give real time educational experience to the consumers whereby an OG celebrity gives them 2 minute makeover on the spot. We have not just given the consumers an experience to remember but also created additional content addressing the gaps identified during our research about the follow up questions on hairstyling.


Set Wet, being the pioneer brand that introduced hairstyling in India, was losing consumers to the new age brands like Beardo, Man Company etc. The task was to re-establish set wet as the premium hair styling brand in urban India which will help you look stylish and sexy through the Set Wet range. Thus, objective was to create consideration & desire for hairstyling amongst young urban male teenagers and also showcase the ease of using hairstyling products. Instilling the idea that if you have Set Wet in your pocket, you can become a better version of yourself in seconds.


Perception about Set Wet as a styling brand has been degrading over the past few years where it is looked as just a gel brand. The knowledge about the extended premium range of products available was limited and needed a boost to improve Set Wet's imagery. The need of the hour was to up the urban equity of Set Wet among the urban male teenagers. And to connect with our target audience we needed a strong platform/partner to up imagery quotient for the brand.


Content creation with real and relevant experience was the key to engage the youth by utilizing digital platforms to its full potential. In order to build the aspiration, long term presence was required. Keeping in mind both the insights discovered, we decided to create a two-fold content strategy addressing each of the gap identified. Choosing the right platform was equally important to execute this series. Hence we partnered with India's largest men's lifestyle destination – Mensxp to create this yearlong activity in a phased manner across social media platforms like – Youtube, Mensxp website with promotions on FB & IG which helped in reaching out to the right target audience and ultimately achieving the task of upping the urban equity of Set Wet. Phase 1: "Upgrade on the go": We showed India how to style in real time. Bursting the myth about good hairstyle being a time consuming task, we went on the streets of famous cities across India and showed people that it just takes 5 minutes & Set Wet to have a good hairstyle every day. We partnered with Aalim Hakim - the hairstyling OG. Educating the viewers that everyday hairstyling can be easy and effortless with the help of Set Wet range of products. 6 part series showcasing different hairstyles in a vox pop setup highlighting the importance of hairstyle in elevating their look for that particular occasion. Phase 2: "Hack your Hair": we further created content to bridge the knowledge gap. As category experts, we wanted to help consumers identify the right hairstyle that fits their bills. Helping consumers create the trendy hairstyle that works for them by suiting their hair length/face type/hair type etc. With so many consumer queries around hairstyles that could work for them but nobody is answering them right now.


Insight 1: Entire grooming category only spoke about the products and the benefits of using them – with so many styling products available in the market the consumers have various queries related to the product selection/application for example which hairstyle really works for them or even which type of hairstyling product to use etc. Insight 2: Consumers feel that it takes a lot of effort & elaborate setup to style their hair – In order to have perfectly styled hair, a trip to salon is must. We wanted to show them how easy it is to style their hair by catching them in their moments with a very minimal setup to show that it doesn't require much effort and hardly takes 5 mins. Also, the fact that anyone can do it and not just professionals. Addressing these huge gaps, we wanted to burst the myths about hairstyling being a time consuming task. Our core target audience is a young guy transitioning not only from school to college but into his initial years of manhood. He is joyfully playful, exuberant, flirty and confident. This confidence is instilled through always looking presentable with tastefully styled hair. Demographically looking at 18-34 NCCS AB.



For the first time ever in hairstyling industry, a brand has taken itself on the streets to give real time educational experience to the consumers whereby an OG celebrity gives them 2 minute makeover on the spot. We have not just given the consumers an experience to remember but also created additional content addressing the gaps identified during our research about the follow up questions on hairstyling. We reached out to 77 Million (2.5x higher than Industry Standards) people both online and offline through the activity. Searches for Set Wet went up by 245% compared to pre activity period. The delivered metrics exceeded the industry benchmarks at every possible metrics be it reach, impressions, views or page views for the articles. Garnering 103.4 Mn impressions which is 2X higher than the average industry standards. The engagement rates achieved were as high as 6.30% resulting in establishing Set Wet as the go to brand for effortless hair styling for youth.


Marico Ltd, Madison Media, CONSUMER PRODUCTS & SERVICES, 2023, ECHO