Daag acche nahin hain

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Case Study


Daag acche nahin hain


COLIN'S CONUNDRUM: A BIG BRAND IN A SMALL CATEGORY Colin enjoys 88% market share in the glass cleaner category. That's a great situation for the brand right? Well, not really. Because even with a dominant share in the category, only 2.5% of households in India use Colin. For Colin to grow, it needed to enter new households and increase its usage in existing households. So, the brand re-positioned itself as a multi-surface cleaner, and thought people will start using it for surfaces other than glass too. However, it was easier said than done. FOR INDIANS, SOAP AND WATER OR EVEN A HUMBLE RAG IS ENOUGH TO CLEAN SURFACES! In India, for surfaces like Coffee table, fridge, TVs, Oven, Cabinet, people use a humble dusting rag which is sometimes just an old t-shirt! For surfaces where they think scrubbing is required, soap/detergent with water is good enough to them. OUR CHALLENGE: How could we make Indians choose Colin when they did notfeelthe need to buy a specialist cleaner for surfaces?


This case is an effective example in proving that a brand in as tactile a category like hygiene can also create an elevated role for itself in its user's life. Even though Colin was a dominant category leader, it had been struggling with a measly penetration of around 2.5% for many years. By giving new meaning to the act of cleaning things as enhancement oftheir emotional value, we created a new role for Colin as preserver of feelings. Achieving highest ever penetration in key markets and arresting Colin's downward offtake trend to achieve a growth of 23%.


In order to bring the thought of preserving feelings with Colin alive, we launched the campaign "Chamakta Rahe Aapka Pyaar" (Let your love shine on) We adopted a TV-led approach, launched in two phases for the campaign since it allowed us to cover a spectrum of emotions people have associated with the things in their home. Phase 1 - Bringing alive people's feelings associated with things in their home Raising the stakes of cleaning things inside homes involved including things dear to both genders of the household - so we kickstarted the campaign with two separate stories about the same home told from the different perspectives of the husband and the wife. We wanted to associate Colin with surfaces other than glass, but not go away too much from its core equity. That is why we strategically chose the application surfaces in each story as a mix of glass and non-glass surfaces – but what remained omnipresent was the larger meaning and feelings behind the things themselves Phase 2 - Showing how stains are outside your control, but preserving the feelings behind them is not! We took another leap with our third story - tapping into a slice of life insight. We portrayed a woman's tumultuous emotions when her precious things are spoilt for reason beyond her control. But what is in her control is preserving memories and feelings behind that thing through Colin. This is how we created an elevated and meaningful role for Colin that no other cleaning agent could compete with.


We wanted existing households to start using Colin for other surfaces than glass, making them buy Colin more frequently. Benchmark: 5% growth in value offtake, calculated basis last campaign urging people to use Colin on other surfaces as well. Post campaign, we wanted people to start perceiving Colin as a trusted brand which is an effective way to clean all surface in their home. Benchmark: 2x increase in associated parameters, calculated basis last campaign's performance.



For Colin to grow, it had to enter new households and increase its usage in existing households. With this campaign, the brand was able to achieve phenomenal growth at both fronts. - We got people to use Colin on multiple surfaces, leading to an increased frequency of usage - 23% increase in value offtake post campaign. - We got to Colin to enter new homes, achieving its highest ever in its key markets - 48% increase in penetration % in Delhi, 85% jump in Uttar Pradesh, 47% jump in Punjab. - We achieved more than 4x increase in Colin's association as a multi-surface cleaner.


Reckitt (India) Ltd., McCann Worldgroup India/MRM India, CONSUMER PRODUCTS & SERVICES, 2023, ECHO