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Case Study


Our campaign clicked by combining different elements. We showed our founder with beautiful hair, proving our product's effectiveness. Radio Mirchi helped us reach a wider audience. Real customer reviews in "Real People, Real Results" made our brand more trustworthy. These reviews were like proof that our products really work. Also, we used Instagram as our digital TV, sharing our story visually. All together made our campaign strong and trustworthy, connecting well with people.


The challenge lay in convincing consumers that our products are effective and addresses their hair concerns. The objective was to connect with our target audience through our founder's personal experience which built authenticity and trust. Addressing potential skepticism and breaking stereotypes were key components of our campaign objective.


India is a highly competitive landscape of skincare and hair care products. A unique opportunity was identified – many founders in the industry lacked hair themselves. Recognizing this gap, we decided to showcase our founder with long and lustrous hair in our campaign that yielded remarkable results. The visual representation enhanced the overall impact of our brand narrative.


To convey our founder's journey effectively, we adopted Instagram as a digital TV platform, known for its visual-centric approach, allowed us to share the authentic story of our founder in a compelling and engaging manner. Key decisions included utilizing IGTV for longer-form content, leveraging Instagram Stories for real-time updates, and crafting visually appealing posts. The methodology focused on storytelling, using high-quality visuals and captions to communicate the transformative impact of our products. Team collaboration between content creators, social media managers, and the founder ensured a seamless and captivating storytelling approach. Leveraging Radio Mirchi, we expanded our brand reach beyond digital platforms, tapping into a diverse audience through this traditional yet effective medium. The radio partnership significantly contributed to heightened brand awareness, creating a comprehensive impact on a larger audience at once. #RealPeopleRealResults, The genuine reviews from satisfied customers served as compelling evidence of our product efficacy. Leveraging these testimonials enhanced trust and credibility, resonating with consumers seeking tangible outcomes. This approach reinforced our commitment to transparency and customer satisfaction, contributing significantly to the campaign's success. We engaged directly with customers through offline events like Nykaaland, BeautyWorld Middle East, and pop-up stores in Wework. These activities allowed us to connect with our audience in person, providing a tangible and interactive experience. This direct interaction helped build a stronger connection, gather feedback, and showcase our products in real-life settings, fostering a more personal and memorable brand experience.


The long-term implementation of this strategy showcased sustained growth and a loyal customer base. Insights from ongoing consumer feedback shaped our content strategy, emphasizing the importance of relatability and authenticity. Leveraging Instagram as a digital TV medium not only distinguished our brand but also contributed to reshaping industry norms. Our founder's personal journey, shared on this visual platform, became a powerful asset, solidifying our position in the beauty industry and fostering a strong, engaged community.



The impact of our skincare and hair care campaign has been nothing short of transformative. Our Instagram reach surged from 4 million to an impressive 52 million, underscoring the resonance of our founder's story on this visual platform. Audience engagement reached new heights, evident in the surge of Instagram direct messages from 100 to a staggering 650 per day, reflecting a deepened connection and heightened interest. Soulflower Rosemary Oil is #1 and Soulflower Healthy Hair Oil #2 in Hair Oil on Amazon! The success extended beyond social media, with our Amazon glance views from 6 lakhs to an impressive 25 lakhs. This resulted in a significant increase in sales on the e-commerce platform highlighting the tangible business outcomes from our campaign. Simultaneously, our website experienced a remarkable uptick in daily visitors, soaring from 20,000 to an impressive 50,000. This surge underscores the effectiveness of our integrated approach in driving consumers from various online touchpoints to explore our brand and products. These results collectively affirm the campaign's success, demonstrating its holistic impact on brand visibility, audience engagement, sales, and online presence.


PT Invent India Pvt Ltd, PT Invent India Pvt Ltd, CONSUMER PRODUCTS & SERVICES, 2023, ECHO