Digitizing MOSL for franchise-level business growth

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Case Study


MOSL, venturing into modern strategies, achieved 27 million search impressions and nearly 10X ROI with SingleInterface. This marked a pioneering move in the traditional BFSI sector, signaling impactful digital transformation. Utilizing SingleInterface's marketing-to-commerce capabilities, MOSL delivered frictionless customer journeys, leading to substantial growth. Enhanced digital discoverability resulted in 27 million views, a 70% increase in in-store visits and prospect interest, and a surge in call-based leads to 200K, highlighting the success of their innovative approach.


As web-based strategies gained momentum, a traditional financial services organization such as Motilal Oswal (MOSL) felt the need to improve its digital existence. MOSL's digital ecosystem had several data inaccuracies and inconsistencies which caused damage to MOSL's reputation. This led to disappointing customer experiences. Consequently, MOSL decided to track all of its digital data across its 4500+ branches and franchisees across India using Hyperlocal Marketing, and transform customer engagement and communications, leading to greater business opportunities. While MOSL's had a vision for ‘digital', the pandemic further catalyzed it. MOSL needed a product that digitized their business locations, ensuring that all information for the brand was accurately published and managed across virtual touchpoints, offering easier accessibility to customers, without compromising on customer experience. This contributed to growing brand awareness and revenue opportunities. The focus was on a robust strategy for an online-to-offline approach to increase footfall through digital decluttering and accurate location-level discovery. The performance measurement included Calls received from digital business listings, Direction Requests received, and Views received through unbranded searches. These were tracked through SingleInterface's advanced analytics and reporting dashboard enabling complete visibility into MOSL's digital performance. These factors contributed tangibly to returns on investment in this digital technology.


Data across MOSL's branches were required to be managed effectively. Once the verified and approved data were published through digital listings and location-specifc webpages, it ensured right brand positioning and consistency. Such robust and accurate data also contributed to better digital search rankings on SERP. All the engagement and consumer interactions powered by this data were tracked through the davnced dashboard and reporting capabilities. This helped MOSL understand the gaps, performance of dealerships, and the overall associations that consumers formed with the brand. So, with this last mile data-driven approach, MOSL tangibly embraced consumers, analyzing views, search impressions, clicks, calls, direction requests, web traffic. These numbers helped MOSL expand its digital impact across 4500+ branches, tap a massive audience pool, grow demand, and eventually unlock local business opportunities.


MOSL needed hygiene-checks across digital platforms to ensure safety and security from any kind of unscrupulous activity, and also gain location-level prominence online, to become more accessible to local consumers. With the pandemic complicating various business strategies till a point in time, things needed closer attention. The teams at SingleInterface (SI), MOSL's digital partner, gathered all the relevant information from 4500+ franchises, sanitized them, and got them published across search engines, for improved search rankings, easier discoverability, and accuracy. All digital traction was captured on SI's dashboard and MOSL's growth was constantly monitored. Location-based local web pages too were created for each of the 4500+ branches, promoting local offers and campaigns. These were device-agnostic, cutting across desktops and mobile devices. These pages helped tap local markets, made MOSL's brand presence more consistent and visible, digitally highlighted and differentiated MOSL's franchisees and branches, improved the virtual experience, and encouraged store visits. Thus optimized and search-friendly digital business profiles listings, combined with customized location pages made it easier for MOSL and its franchise network to connect with customers and deliver positive ‘phygital' experiences. The entire activity was enabled for mobile as well as desktop. Considering advanced tech capabilities and API-based tags, it was easier to achieve relevant communications with clients through mobile and desktop devices, eventually leading to the desired outcome. The focus was clear. Digital was the best way to embrace consumers in the last mile and guarantee results. It would be measurable and every touchpoint could be tracked. MOSL's branches and franchisees worked closely with SI in complete agility, and over a period of just 1 year, achieved commendable results. This has significantly strengthened the ongoing partnership


Effectively maintaining accurate data and digital listings across search engines such as Google, Bing, and many others, ensured improved local search rankings for MOSL's branches and franchisees. The usage of technology and robust information contributed to optimized search outcomes, as search algorithms could effectively display MOSL's business locations in the top results on SERP and also in dynamic areas such as Google Maps. It allowed consumers to become more aware of financial services close to them, and MOSL's credibility increased. Through these advanced digital capabilities, MOSL's digital brand identity was standardized. MOSL could also track every touchpoint, analyze customer intent and behaviour, and use data and actionable insights from the advanced reporting dashboard, to influence the customer's journey, for increased business opportunities. This successful collaboration led to new heights. MOSL franchisees are now excitedly focusing on SI's Connect App, to digitize their branch operations, for greater productivity, efficiency, and business. Through this app franchisees can run potential local paid campaigns, increasing their visibility to a targeted customer pool. With the implementation of the latest, user-friendly reporting dashboard offering highly granular and nuanced insights and customizable views.



By leveraging SingleInterface's cutting-edge technology, MOSL transformed the challenge of operating in uncertain times into beneficial outcomes. It successfully updated its digital ecosystem with accurate data, for improved customer journeys, growth, and a positive reputation. The seamless online-to-offline journey offered customers an impeccable experience and measurable engagement, resulting in a substantial surge in revenue. Thus, MOSL accomplished the following outcomes in less than a year: 70% - Increase in Overall Direction Requests 200K - New call-based potential customer leads. 27 Million - Overall discovery searches/views. Approx 10X - Increase in Overall ROI


Motilal Oswal Financial Services Limited, SingleInterface, FINANCIAL SERVICES, 2023, ECHO