Stop The Search

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Case Study


Want to engage with your audiences? #StopTheSearch and listen to what they have to say Understanding the audience behavior and working out solutions around that with the right mediums can help create a lasting relation with the audiences.


Our research suggested that there were more than 1.25 million searches about healthcare in the year 2020. It showed that the audiences were seeking varied information on health, fitness and wellness. We used this insight to design our campaign and stay true to those needs.


Using the insight that we have, we wanted to get educated users about how we are a one stop solution for all their needs when it come nutrition (be it products or information). To this, we had to reach as many relevant people as we could while directing them to ours website. KPIs - Reach Traffic to website Sessions


We leveraged the spike of searches for fitness, healthcare, and wellness solutions by making the audience aware through media ads, social media, and influencers to position Guardian GNC as the one-stop solution for all their healthcare needs. We created specific ads targetting each problem area, including beauty and skincare solutions, multivitamin deficiency, nutritional deficiency, Omega 3 deficiency, etc. We encouraged our users to ask their fitness and wellness-related questions to an expert nutritionist through social media. Influencers actively amplified the umbrella thought of GNC being the one-stop solution for their healthcare and nutritional needs. We associated with prominent industry experts who had garnered a massive following through their power of persuasion. We asked the influencers to gesture the most common motion to denote STOP to ensure we grabbed their attention. The gesture also symbolized the critical message of the campaign. Influencers wrote #STOPTHESEARCH on their palm to reinforce the 'STOP' action. We also nudged our potential audience to choose GNC by leveraging our 85+ years of scientific expertise in providing fitness and wellness-related solutions. We also aimed at highlighting the brand value of being authentic, trustworthy, and genuine through our communication.


Through the communication on social media platforms, influencers and paid media ads, we were able to see a growth of 12.7% in terms of users visiting our website while increasing the sessions with 14.6%. We also saw a revenue growth of 1.9% between the months of September and October 2021 during which the campaign had its effect.


To inform their users that their search for information and solution around their wellness concerns have ended (considering the insight which is that there were as many as 1.25 million searches around the topic), we tied up with 30+ influencers who using the stop sign on their hands has the term #StopTheSearch written on them. This really created curiosity amongst their fans and encouraged them to check out what they meant by clicking on the links they had provided. We also created a digital video asset which helped us communicate the same


5.9M Reach 3.3M video views 90.4% Audience Retention 12.7% Growth in number of users on our website 14.6% Growth in sessions 30+ influencers


GNC India, Oct, 2022