#Thankyounurses- a platform for the people of Kerala to say a heartwarming Thank you to the nurturers of the country

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Case Study


The campaign thought of "#ThankYouNurses was brought alive through a beautiful montage film that featured real Covid survivors thanking the nurses that healed them, by dedicating their Onam Pookalams (traditional Onam floral floor art) to them. It also encouraged Indians across the country celebrating Onam to dedicate their Pookolams with a typical Thank you motif.


After an extended Covid-19 lockdown, Parachute Advansed's challenge was to drive consideration for the brand. It achieved this through a narrative that was powerful enough to make the brand stand out amidst the clutter, and topical enough to resonate with the mood and the times.


Besides being known as God's own country, Kerala is known the world over as ‘nurse' country. The state trains, produces and exports more nurses than any Indian state, and arguably most countries. Since Parachute Advansed Gold stands for ‘nurture and care', the opportunity was just right to drive the narrative through the nurses. Especially when India was still reeling under the pandemic, as well as getting back to a sense of normalcy.


The campaign thought of "#ThankYouNurses was brought alive through a beautiful montage film that featured real Covid survivors thanking the nurses that healed them, by dedicating their Onam Pookalams (traditional Onam floral floor art) to them. It also encouraged Indians across the country celebrating Onam to dedicate their Pookolams with a typical Thank you motif. The campaign received a very warm response in the state of Kerala with many nurses pouring out their heartfelt gratitude to the brand through its social media handles. It drove the stature for the brand & helped boost sales as well.


The film was promoted on YouTube to seed the thought behind Thank you Nurses. We were able to reach a larger base with the language targeting capabilities using which we could target Malayalees across the country with this communication not restricting only Kerala. The film garnered over 3.8 million views with a campaign level engagement rate of over 2%. This was supported with an Instagram influencer activation to bring alive the thought of thanking nurses. Influencers would make the Onam Pookolam with a "Thank You" motif as called for in the digital film. The influencer activation had a best in class engagement of 10% (Benchmark 3-5%) with a reach of 10M.


PR associations helped to amplify thought leadership in local content & lifestyle platforms like Pink Lungi which captured the reactions of real nurses to the film. This was backed with content associations in Scoopwhoop & Logical Indian to build campaign buzz.


Reach of the brand – 86% of Parachute Advansed TG in Kerala was reached with #ThankyouNurses communication Return on Investment – The brand reported a MoM growth 6% during the campaign The brand was able to deliver the message at scale due to which the brand was able to deliver on business growth of 6% MoM Business in Kerala for brands across the personal care segment was down considering the COVID situation and natural disasters in August. However, Parachute Advansed was one of the few brands to not just beat the downturn but report a MoM growth of 6% during the campaign when the external business environment was extremely bleak. This was reinforced by the engagement levels we saw on the different digital touchpoints that were activated for Thank you Nurses.


Marico limited, Oct, 2022