Using WhatsApp for Commerce & Marketing

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Case Study


Our WhatsApp powered chatbot solution which helped JBL establish scalable consumer engagement & automate sales & support enquiries over a conversational tool


1.The challenge was to engage an audience at scale 2. Engage with offline audience digitally; those who were going to stores for their purchases couldn't do so any more because of the Pandemic; we needed to sift through the audience to engage with those customers


The objectives of the campaign were: 1- Establish brand (JBL) & consumer engagement over digital channels 2- Make JBL products visible to the consumers 3- Guide consumers to JBL online selling channels/platforms


The strategy was to create a single solution: 1- to boost engagement 2- to generate leads 3- PR 4- List various JBL services


The wireless headphones & earphones market is growing at 19% CAGR and is expected to reach USD 45 Billion by 2026. Post pandemic, 7 in 10 people have now moved to making online purchases. So, its evident that if we want a good share of the market, factors like digital presence, ease of buying & unmatched customer support is going to be crucial


The solution was to create a digital support center for JBL. We suggested a WhatsApp powered chatbot solution which can handhold customers, help them with relevant information and with their requests. The solution helped JBL automate all this in a very cost effective way


We powered more than 2.4 million conversations for JBL with our WhatsApp solution


Harman International India (JBL), Oct, 2022